“Are you living here?”

“For another couple weeks and then I’m closing the store and moving to Greenville.” Zoe offered no more explanation and Susannah didn’t ask any follow-up questions. “Would you like some tea?”

“Do you have anything stronger?”

Zoe shot a glance at Ryan’s sister, trying to determine if she was being serious. How much stronger?

“There’s lemon vodka in the freezer for emergencies.”

“Perfect.” Susannah nodded. “Break it out. This is definitely an emergency.”

Unsure what the other woman meant, Zoe nevertheless poured shots of vodka over ice and gestured at the small table the staff used for breaks. Since Susannah had been the one who’d initiated the encounter, Zoe decided to let her speak first.

“Tell me about your relationship with Everly Briggs.”

Zoe winced. “Relationship is the wrong word. It started with a random encounter at a networking event.”

She then went on to lay out their conversation and how they’d arrived at the scheme to take down the three men who’d hurt them. Susannah listened in silence, asking no questions, but her eyes glowed with keen interest.

“It sounds like she played both you and London to get what she wanted,” Susannah remarked over an hour later as Zoe’s tale wound down.

“You’re probably right. We were stupid to get involved with her, but in our defense, we were both in a pretty bad place emotionally and mentally.”

During her narrative, Zoe hadn’t taken a sip of her drink, but now she swallowed nearly half the shot, closing her eyes as the watered-down liquor burned her throat and warmed her chest enough that the ache around her heart eased somewhat.

Regardless of whether Susannah remained angry, the confession had brought Zoe a modicum of peace. For so long she’d held on to fear, unhappiness, anger and remorse. Being filled with so many negative emotions had kept her from embracing the brighter, lighter feelings from all the good in her life.

Opening the store had inspired a sense of accomplishment and given her a community of women she could trust. Meeting Ryan had awakened hope and given rise to her sexuality in a way she’d never known. Yet full happiness had eluded her because she remained tethered to the revenge bargain she and London had made with Everly.

“I’m really sorry for everything that happened between you and your husband. I had no business going after you as a way to hurt Ryan. It was wrong and I have no way to make any of it up to you.”

“I’ve spent a great deal of time thinking about you these last few days,” Susannah said, her gray eyes—so like her twin’s—drilling into Zoe with all the force of her significant resolve. “As well as reflecting on my marriage and the choices I’ve made.”

Zoe resisted the urge to squirm as she awaited whatever hell Susannah decided to rain down on her, knowing she deserved everything the lawyer had to say.

“If you’d never showed up in my life, Jefferson would still be cheating. No doubt Abernathy and his dirty tactics would’ve broken the scandal as a way to muck up the race.”

“That’s not necessarily true,” Zoe said, but she didn’t fully believe it.

Susannah shrugged. “Regardless, Everly Briggs would’ve come after Ryan via my campaign if you’d never been in the picture. From what you’ve told me, she interfered between London and Harrison Crosby the same way she did by telling your ex-husband what you were up to.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Zoe wasn’t sure if she should let herself feel relieved that Susannah was showing mercy.

Since getting to know Susannah, it had bothered Zoe more and more that by betraying Ryan’s sister, Zoe had behaved like some of the women in her former social circle.

“If I asked you stay away from my brother, would you?” Susannah’s abrupt question wasn’t one Zoe had expected, but she should have.

“You don’t need to ask.” The tightness in Zoe’s chest made breathing difficult so the words came out in a wheezy rush. “He made it clear that he doesn’t want to have anything more to do with me.”

“He’s hurt.”

A lump formed in Zoe’s throat. “I hurt him.”

Susannah waggled her glass, setting the ice cubes to tinkling. “I think I could use a refill.”

Zoe fetched the bottle and more ice, setting both on the table within Susannah’s reach.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Susannah said. “Would you stay away from my brother?”