“I think there’s been more than enough payback going on, don’t you?” Susannah sighed. “Have you spoken with Zoe?”

“No. Why would I do that?”

“To see how she’s handling things.”

“Can you really be worried about her after what she did to you?”

“She didn’t do anything to me.” Susannah frowned at him. “This wasn’t her fault. Jefferson cheated. Your actions brought Everly Briggs into our lives.”

“Zoe lied to us.”

“Not about who she is or how much she cares about you.”

Ryan shook his head, vigorously denying Susannah’s claim. “She used me to get to you. That’s all there is to it.”

“Oh, don’t say that. I don’t want both of us to lose the people we love over this.”

“I don’t love her.?


“Really? Because you’ve been acting as if you do.” Before he could dispute that, she continued. “I’ve never seen you this miserable over a breakup before. She hurt you badly and you’re busy beating yourself up about how you should’ve seen it coming.”

“Whatever.” Ryan hated how well Susannah knew him. “The fact is she lied to me and I can’t ever trust her again.”

“People make mistakes all the time,” his sister said. “The key is to learn from them. I think Zoe has done that. She must feel terrible for what she did to you. Forgive her.”

“Are you going to forgive Jefferson?” Ryan countered. “Can you ever trust him again?”

“I don’t know yet, but I’m not giving up without trying and neither should you.”

* * *

Ever since she’d first started Second Chance Treasures, Zoe had kept the store open on Wednesday nights until nine. Labeling the event Girls Night Out, she served glasses of wine and treats to draw in customers and offered crafting or art demonstrations. Some weeks they made as much money in those few hours as they did the balance of the week. Tonight had been no exception.

Too bad it wasn’t enough to save the store.

Earlier that day, Zoe had contacted her artists with the terrible news that Second Chance Treasures was closing in less than a month. She’d received responses of sorrow and sympathy with some anger mixed in. Zoe weathered it all with ever-sinking spirits, knowing that she’d failed these women who’d counted on the money they made from selling items in her store.

All through the evening, Zoe had called on reserves she’d never plumbed before and maintained a bright smile. As much fun as the event could be, the long day was draining and with her emotions running high, Zoe was glad when at a little after nine, she headed to the front door to throw the lock.

As she reached the glass door, a figure stepped into the glow of light spilling onto the sidewalk. Zoe’s heart plunged as she recognized Ryan’s sister, but dreading what Susannah had to say didn’t stop Zoe from welcoming her inside.

“Can we talk?” Susannah asked, showing none of the hostility Zoe would’ve expected.

“Talk?” she countered, locking the door and sealing them in like two combatants in a cage fight. “Or are you here to yell at me for everything that’s happened?”

“I don’t yell,” Susannah replied tartly.

“No, you just shred people with your rhetoric.”

The corner of Susannah’s mouth kicked up. “While that’s more accurate, I’m not here to accuse you of anything. I want to understand.”

And Zoe wanted to explain.

“Come into the back,” Zoe said, flipping off the light at the front of the store and gesturing for Susannah to follow her.

Susannah’s keen gaze swept over the cot and packing boxes that held her extra inventory. Zoe had shopped at several thrift stores to find furniture pieces, lamps and decorative things to make the space more comfortable, but it was still a storage area in a retail space.