“It’s a long story.”

Ryan went on to repeat what Zoe had told him, keeping the focus on the facts even when his friend’s tone grew sympathetic.

“Oh, hell,” Paul said. “Susannah doesn’t deserve any of this.”

“I know. I just wish there was something we could do to mitigate the fallout, but even if we could somehow keep the video from coming out, I don’t think that will stop Everly Briggs from further mischief in the future.”

“Legally she hasn’t done anything wrong,” Paul agreed. “How did you leave things with Zoe?”

Ryan was surprised his friend had to ask. “Obviously we’re done. I told her to move out.”

“Sure, that makes sense.” But his tone indicated otherwise.

“She’s been lying to me this whole time,” Ryan reminded his friend. “Since the day we met.”

“Well, to be fair, you suspected her motives for joining the campaign. Turns out you were right. Just the players were different.”

“So that somehow makes it okay?” Ryan fumed.

“Not okay, but what exactly is it she did that was so bad besides not tell you what she’d gotten involved in?” Paul asked. “Granted, she started out conspiring against you, but she didn’t take any action. And she brought the video to you before it got leaked.”

“I can’t believe you’re taking her side.”

“Look,” Paul said soothingly, “I get that you’re hurt because she wasn’t completely honest with you, but it sounds like she got in over her head. It’s pretty obvious that Everly Briggs took advantage of her. And, from the sound of things, London McCaffrey as well. I’ve seen you two together and it’s pretty obvious how you feel about each other. Don’t let one mistake ruin what you two could have.”

I love you.

“You don’t get it...” Further protests lodged in his throat. She loved him? How was that possible when she’d lied to and betrayed him?

The video of Jefferson and Patty Joyce played in his mind. His pain was nothing compared to what Susannah was about to feel.


He realized Paul had continued talking. “What?”

“I asked if it was okay if I called Zoe about the documents she got from London McCaffrey.”

“Sure. Fine.”

If Paul was interested, did that mean something illegal had taken place? Would Ryan be responsible for sending two more women to jail? The thought of Zoe behind bars turned his blood to ice.

“Paul, wait a second,” Ryan said. “I don’t want anything to happen to these women because of me.”

“Not even after they conspired to get revenge on you?”

Ryan ignored his friend’s amused tone. “Just go at this as my friend, okay? Not as a former cop and cybersecurity specialist.”

“Whatever you say. Call me after you talk to Susannah.”

“Will do.”

Ten minutes after hanging up with Paul, Ryan parked outside the campaign headquarters and headed in. Over half the desks were full of volunteers and campaign staff, most of whom were on the phone. Ryan made a beeline for Susannah’s office, unsurprised to find her talking with Gil.

“I need t

o talk with my sister in private,” Ryan said after exchanging a brief greeting with her campaign manager.
