“Like this?”

He flicked his tongue against her swollen clit and the noise that erupted out of her was like a mad keen. The pleasure felt so intense and perfect.

“Oh, yes! More like that.”

His deep chuckle echoed through her body, intensifying the hum of anticipation flowing through her. He sounded so pleased with her answer that despite the tension locked in her muscles, she felt a sudden rush of joy. In that instant she knew it was going to be good between them. Better than she’d ever known. Ryan was going to take care of her.

Gratitude made h

er heart clench, but she barely had a chance to register the emotion because a second later the only thing she knew was a white-hot blaze of desire as Ryan spread her legs wider and sent his tongue into her heat.

In an instant she was lost. In the man. In her need. In their desire as she rocked her hips and groaned his name. Distantly she heard her name as well as some deliciously erotic murmurings from Ryan’s lips.

He made her feel sexy. Letting go during sex was about trusting her partner enough to be vulnerable and for most of her marriage Zoe hadn’t known what to expect from her husband. Ryan was a completely different story and her body reacted accordingly. Pleasure coiled tighter and tighter inside her so fast she barely recognized what was happening until she felt herself start to unravel.

“Ryan. Oh, Ryan.” Then she made incoherent noises as a million tiny stars burst into life behind her eyelids.

Shockwaves rolled over her, each one smashing her safeguards and leaving her trembling and overwhelmed. It was all too good. Too perfect. Too much. Tears poured down her cheeks and she threw her arm across her eyes to hide them. Surely no man who’d just given a woman such an explosive orgasm would want to see her bawling in the aftermath.

“That was incredible,” she told him, the hitch in her voice betraying her emotion.

“I’ll say.” Ryan eased up her body and trailed kisses along her neck. “I’ve never known anyone who comes the way you do. I’m going to take you upstairs and get you naked. Then you’re going to do that all over again. And again.”

Zoe lifted her arm off her face and looked at Ryan. His gray eyes had an earnest glow that made her heart skip a beat.

“Sound good?” he prompted.

She nodded. “Really good.”

* * *

Laughter and panting bounced off the walls of the wide staircase as they raced to his second-floor master suite. Usually, Ryan would’ve had the advantage with his longer legs, but they were stripping off their clothes as they ascended and Zoe’s dress and bra seemed to fall off her body with very little effort while Ryan fumbled with his clothes.

Then, too, he was slowed by the glorious sight of her nakedness as she crooked her finger and lured him after her. After shedding his shirt and tie, he wrestled off his socks and nearly tripped over his pants. Sucking in a giant breath, he turned the corner and entered his bedroom.

Ryan came to a dead stop at the sight of Zoe standing near the window overlooking the garden. She’d draped herself in the curtain and the challenge on her face told him she expected to be unwrapped in spectacular fashion. Putting on a mock scowl, he stalked toward her.

“You said you wanted to get me naked,” she reminded him, clinging to the fabric. “I got you partway there.”

Grinning, Ryan plucked the curtain from her grip. “Thank you for that,” he said. “But now I want to see all of you.”

He took her by the hand and twirled her. Zoe was all lean, hard muscle and athletic curves. Her breasts were small, but the round shape was perfect and he couldn’t wait to get his mouth on them again.

“You are gorgeous,” he declared, lifting her into his arms and carrying her to his bed.

“So are you,” she murmured, her fingers tunneling into his hair.

He followed her onto the mattress, taking her nipple into his mouth and rolling his tongue around the plump tip until it became a hard bud. Zoe’s husky moan filled his ears, making him smile as he repeated the move with her other breast. He kept his fingers skimming over her face, her torso, her thighs, wanting to return her to the keen state of arousal that had led to her explosive climax earlier.

He trailed his lips over her shoulder and breasts one last time before reclaiming her mouth in a kiss. Curving his fingers around the back of her head, he drove his mouth against hers, devouring her while encouraging noises erupted from her throat, urging him on.

She spread her legs and slid her hands over his hips, urging him between her thighs. He hooked his fingers behind her knee and lifted it toward his waist, opening her. The move allowed him to settle his erection against her wet heat. He groaned as the pressure drove his lust higher, and then he was grinding against her and she rocked in frenzied movements, moaning and arching her back.

Incoherent thoughts swam through Ryan’s head as his mouth fell to her throat and his teeth sought for purchase against her skin. The light nip he gave her caused her hips to buck. He met the move with a deep thrust, letting her incredible wetness soak the fly of his boxers.

“I promised myself I’d take it slow,” he growled, warning her that he was more than a little out of control. “But I just can’t wait to be inside you.”

“I need that, too.”