“Second Chance Treasures isn’t a charity,” she shot back, her pride rallying. “And neither am I.”

“That’s not at all what I thought.” He caught her hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. “I just wanted to help out a friend.”

Zoe fought the calm that filled her whenever he was around. She couldn’t just let him soothe her concerns. “But you did it anonymously.”

“So you didn’t have to worry about paying me back.”

“I can’t just take your money,” she countered, recognizing as much as she wanted to make it on her own, the awful truth was that she would’ve eventually been out on the street without his help.

“Are you really going to be this stubborn? If one of your friends had given you the money with no expectations of getting it back, would you be digging your heels in?”

What friends? The sardonic question was on the tip of her tongue, but she held it back.

“Please understand that being able to make it on my own is very important to me,” she said quietly. “I appreciate your help, but I wish you’d offered me a loan or told me what you were going to do.”

“My actions might have been a little heavy-handed. Susannah is often telling me that I run roughshod over people when I try to help.” He pulled her forward and wrapped his arms around her. “What can I do to fix it? If you want, I can call Dillworth Properties and get my money back.”

At his mocking tone, Zoe jabbed her knuckles into his ribs hard enough that he winced. “I spent some time looking at my books today and I think I can pay you back over the next six months.”

Ryan stepped back and cupped her face in his hands. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her with great energy, snatching her breath away and making her head spin. Lust surged and she gave herself over to it, even as he backed off

before things heated up too much. Once again his control awakened her anxiety. Didn’t he want to have sex with her?

Even as the question popped into her head, Zoe cringed. Not only had they only known each other a week, but there was this little matter of her role in the revenge bargain she’d made with Everly and London. But every moment in his company drove her libido into the red zone. She craved his hands on her and took every opportunity to bring her body into contact with his. Although she could see he recognized her not-so-subtle signals, he had yet to act.

She told herself to be grateful for his restraint even as she swooned against him, surrendering her mouth to the masterful pressure of his lips and sweep of his tongue. Moving forward into deeper intimacy with Ryan would only intensify her already complicated battle between what she wanted and what she’d promised to do.

Oblivious to her inner struggles, Ryan kissed his way toward her cheek to whisper in her ear. “Take a year if you need it.” His statement ended in a grunt as her knuckles connected with his ribs a second time. “Okay. Okay. Six months is perfect,” he amended, his tone teasing. “And I think ten percent interest should be just about right.” He caught her hand before she could strike again and dusted a kiss across her knuckles. “You know I’m kidding about the interest, right?”

She nodded, her throat tight with overwhelming gratitude at the easing of her immediate financial concerns.

“Good.” He smiled down at her. “Now, we’re going to be late for our reservation if we don’t get going.”

* * *

“Enough stories about my ill-spent youth,” Ryan groused fondly, interrupting his sister and Zoe, who were laughing at his expense. “Talk to Susannah about your store and all the women you’re helping.”

With a glance his way, Susannah sobered. “Ryan mentioned you had a boutique in downtown Charleston that is doing great work with victims of domestic violence. He said they make things that you sell.”

Zoe’s eyes glowed as she launched into her story. Watching her friendship with his sister develop over cocktails and crab cakes was exactly what Ryan had hoped for this evening. Susannah was such a huge part of his life and her approval was more than important. It was imperative.

His perspective had shifted over the last week while he’d gotten to know Zoe better. Moving her into his guest apartment meant that he was no longer thinking of her in terms of someone he intended to hook up with and move on. He enjoyed having her around. The more time they spent together, the more she opened up, and he was discovering she suited him quite well.

Standing in the way of that were his seesawing concerns whether or not she was a spy for Lyle Abernathy. Which demonstrated that he didn’t fully trust her. Nor was he sure what it would take until she was completely above suspicion. It frustrated him that he couldn’t move their relationship forward while his first thought was to question her motives.

When they’d arrived at the table, they’d settled in with the women on one side and the men on the other. The seating arrangement and the way the women took to each other had made it challenging for the men to stay engaged in their conversation. Now, with Zoe and Susannah engrossed in a discussion about Second Chance Treasures, Ryan glanced toward his brother-in-law and found him texting.

“So, Jefferson, how’re things going with you?”

The innocuous question startled his brother-in-law into slamming his phone facedown on the table and snatching up his drink. A flush crept up his neck as he answered.

“You know. Business is good. Family is fine.”

Ryan eyed Jefferson and wondered why the guy was so jumpy. “How is it with Susannah on the campaign trail? I suppose you’re busier than ever with the kids’ activities.”

“That’s for sure.” From beside his plate came a buzzing sound and Jefferson’s gaze shot to his phone. “Between Violet’s dance lessons and Casey’s soccer games, it feels like all we do is run.”

The buzz came again. And a muscle in Jefferson’s jaw worked.