“No,” Everly admitted. “I followed Ryan here.”

With those four words Zoe recognized that Everly had issues that went far beyond her hurt and anger over what had happened to her sister.

“Why would you do that? He’s not your problem, he’s mine. Honestly, what is wrong with you?” Zoe exhaled harshly and started in again before Everly could answer any of Zoe’s rapid-fire questions. “I’ve barely started to work on the campaign. Your presence here jeopardizes everything.”

Zoe could see that Everly wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of a scolding and that she didn’t like it one bit. Well, that was too bad. What they were doing was delicate and risky. They’d come up with a plan and, if it was to work, each of them needed to follow protocol. That meant no direct contact.

“I’m here because I need to know what’s going on,” Everly explained.

“That may be what you want,” Zoe fired back, “but it’s not what you need.” She had no patience for Everly’s excuses. “What you need is for me to fulfill my part of the bargain. Whatever that takes. If it means joining Susannah’s campaign or getting friendly with Ryan, then that’s what I’ll do.” She was breathing hard as her anger rose. “Now here’s what I need. I need for you to go and not come back. Ever.”

While Everly’s eyes never left Zoe, her expression made it clear she wasn’t focused on Zoe’s lecture. “Why did he kiss your hand?”

“Did you listen to what I just said to you?” Even if she thought Everly deserved an answer, Zoe refused to explain what had happened between her and Ryan when she hadn’t yet made sense of it. “You need to leave my store. Now.”

“Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me?” Everly demanded. “Is he coming back?”

“Haven’t you understood anything I’ve said?” Her righteous anger felt satisfying and powerful.

“I understand that you want me to go,” Everly said, the fervent light in her eyes convincing Zoe that the woman was unbalanced. “But I’m not leaving until I’m satisfied with your answers.”

“I don’t owe you any explanations,” Zoe responded even though she could see her words fell on deaf ears.

“That’s where you’re wrong. You do owe me. And you owe London. We’re all in this together.”

“Look, I didn’t interfere with what you did to Linc or with London going after Tristan.” That the latter scheme might still blow up terrified Zoe too much for her to risk showing any involvement. “You need to back off and let me handle this.”

“Are you sleeping with him?”


“No not ever or no not yet?” Everly was a dog with a bone.

“Listen,” Zoe said, nearing the end of her patience. “I’m playing him any way I can. Now I really need you to leave.” She walked to the door and opened it.

When Everly didn’t move, Zoe wondered if she’d have to get physical. As much as the idea of wrestling Everly out the door appealed to Zoe, neither one of them could afford the attention a catfight might attract.

“Fine,” Everly snarled. “But I’m going to keep an eye on both of you. If for one second I think that you’re betraying me, you’re going to be sorry.”


shivered at Everly’s threat, recognizing the wisdom in treading carefully. Tristan had a temper like that. It burned slow and white-hot and, as she’d learned, with devastating results.

“I’m not going to betray you,” Zoe said, “but you have to stay far away from me. Ryan knows who you are and if he sees us together, everything will be ruined.”

“He won’t see us together.”

“You don’t know that. He doesn’t trust me,” Zoe said in her most mild and reasonable tone. “That’s why he came by tonight. To accuse me of lying to him and to find out if I’m a spy for Lyle Abernathy. It’s possible that he’s having me watched.” Zoe doubted it was the case, but her words fed Everly’s paranoia. Noting that Everly continued to hesitate, Zoe drove the point home. “After all, you’re keeping tabs on him.”

The wild light in Everly’s eyes dimmed somewhat. “Okay, I see your point.”

“Good. Now go home and get some sleep.” Zoe gestured Everly out and, to her relief, the woman stepped into the parking lot. “I’ve got this handled.”

Without answering, Everly marched toward the far side of the lot where a dark Audi sedan was parked.

Zoe sighed as she closed and locked the door.

* * *