While her denial didn’t ring true, it was pretty obvious that her disgust was genuine. Maybe a little too obvious? Demonstrating an unfavorable opinion about Lyle Abernathy didn’t exactly clear her of being a spy. Clearly she couldn’t come right out and sing the guy’s praises while volunteering for Susannah’s campaign.

Ryan wished his gut wasn’t warning him that her explanation for joining his sister’s campaign wasn’t the whole story. Clearing Zoe of suspicion would’ve opened the path to pursing her romantically. That Gil and his sister could be right to suspect her churned in Ryan’s stomach like acid. He’d hoped she’d ease his mind over dinner. Instead she’d awakened more questions.

Obviously he would have to continue investigating her.

“Thank you for dinner,” she said as they exited the restaurant and headed for the parking lot.

“You’re welcome,” Ryan said, matching her slow pace. “Maybe next time you’ll let me pick the place.”

Zoe reached her car and turned to face Ryan. Every line of her body, her tense muscles and slight frown, screamed reluctance.

“Look,” she began, obviously gearing up to blow him off. “You are a really nice guy, but this isn’t going to work.”

Ryan set his hands on his hips and wondered if she was as immune to him as she appeared. “Because?”

“We’re way too different.” She waved her hand between them as if to demonstrate her point.

“Being different is what makes things interesting,” he countered, taking a step in her direction.

Her eyes widened as he invaded her space. “Being different is what leads to problems. You like champagne. I like beer.”

“You like beer?” he echoed in surprise, unsure why he couldn’t picture her with a bottle in her hand.

“Well, no,” she admitted. “I usually drink vodka, but you get what I’m saying. You’re South of Broad and I’m...” She trailed off as if her current address eluded her.

“Where do you live?”

“I’m crashing with a friend at the moment,” she said, her whole manner evasive. “See, that’s what I mean. You’re rich and I can’t afford to rent an apartment. It would never work.”

“I disagree and frankly I’m a little insulted that you’re judging me on my financial situation.”

“You’re i

nsulted?” She crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her chin out.

“Yes. And I think you’re lying about why you don’t want to see me again.”

“I’m not.”

He ignored her denial and plowed on. “I think you’re proud of your self-reliance to the point where you refuse to accept anyone’s help no matter how dire your situation.” From the way her eyes widened, Ryan saw that his point had struck home. “What are you afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid,” she countered. “But you’re right about my pride. It’s important to me that I do it on my own.”

Her fierceness fired his desire and forced him to shove his hands into his pockets to stop from snatching her into his arms and setting his lips to hers. Skittish and assertive in turns, she was a complex knot for him to unravel. The question remained whether or not he should.

“One more date,” he declared. “We’ll have dinner this weekend. Any place you want.”

She shook her head. “You aren’t going to take no for an answer, are you?”

“I like you. A lot. I think you like me, too.” He paused, offering her the opportunity to disagree. When she didn’t jump in, he had his answer. “Good. Saturday night at six. I’ll be in touch to finalize the details.”

“You’re wasting your time,” she declared, but her voice lacked conviction. “Good night, Ryan Dailey.”

“Sweet dreams, Zoe Alston.”

As she slid behind the wheel of her gray Subaru, Ryan headed to his own vehicle. He remained bothered that she’d listed a PO Box number as her home address and claimed to be staying with a friend. Why so vague about where she lived? What secrets was she trying to keep hidden?

Ryan was determined to find out and as she exited the parking lot, he let her get a little ahead of him before slipping into traffic behind her. He doubted his sister would approve of him tailing Zoe, but he wouldn’t be able to rest unless he was satisfied that Zoe was telling the truth about her living situation.