“Do you come here a lot?” Harrison asked after they were seated. He scanned the menu, which specialized in farm-to-table fare, and settled on the scallops with smoked yogurt, beets and pistachio.

“Actually, I’ve never been, but it’s one of Maribelle and Beau’s favorite places. They had their first date here and...it’s where he proposed.” Her eyes widened as if she realized what she’d implied. “They’re always going on and on about how good the food is. That’s why I picked it.”

“Can’t wait to see if they’re right.”

“So, you’ve never been here before?”

Harrison shook his head. “I don’t get out much.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“It’s true. I’m on the road so much of the year that when I do get home, I like to hole up and recharge.”

“You do?”

“Most of my time and attention is focused on cars and racing. Analyzing my competition, studying the track, figuring out how I can improve.”

“I did a little research on you and learned you’re a big deal in racing.” Bright spots of color appeared in her cheeks as he raised his eyebrows at her confession. “Lots of appearances and events.”

“All to promote Crosby Motorsports. I’m actually an introvert.” He could tell she wasn’t buying it.

“You can’t possibly be. You’re a fan favorite with a huge following.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I do my share of press events and meeting fans, but it isn’t what I enjoy. I’d much rather be tinkering with a car or hanging out with a few of my friends.”

She made a face. “I figured you would be out in the public, soaking up the accolades, enjoying your stardom.”

Her thorny tone made him frown. “You seem to have a very jaded view of me. Why is that?”

“It’s not you.” She moved her wineglass around in circles on the white tablecloth and seemed engrossed in the light refracted by the liquid. “I guess it’s what you do. I’ve spent a lot of time around sports stars and most of them love being celebrities. The adoring fans. The special attention they get wherever they go. It makes them act...entitled.”

Obviously her attitude had been formed during her relationship with Lincoln Thurston. As a professional baseball player, no doubt Thurston had enjoyed his share of the limelight. Harrison needed to convince her he and her ex-fiancé weren’t cut from the same cloth.

“Not all of them,” Harrison insisted.

“Most of them.”

“Was Linc that way?” He’d asked, even knowing that it was risky to probe for details about what might be painful for her.

“I don’t want to talk about him.” London’s brittle tone was a warning to Harrison that he should tread carefully.

Still, he needed to know where her head was at. “Because you’re still not over the breakup?”

How could she be? He’d done his own bit of research on her and discovered only a few months had passed since their two-year engagement ended.

“I am over it.” The bits of gold floating in London’s blue eyes flashed.

“Are you over him?”

She exhaled in exasperation. “We were together for three years.”

“So that’s a no?”

London’s expression hardened into a look that Harrison interpreted as back off. That wasn’t going to stop him. This woman was worth fighting for.

“I can’t imagine what having him break your engagement must have been like for you, but I am happy to listen if you want to dump on the guy.” He paused and then grinned. “Or the male gender as a whole.”

From her frown, he could see his offer had confused her.