More and more Harrison wished he’d found a different way to connect with London McCaffrey. “What would you suggest?”

Her lips pursed as she pondered the question. “I’ll pull together three ideas and run them past you. What are you thinking about for the meal?”

“Wouldn’t it depend on the place we choose?”

“Yes, but it might help narrow things down if I thought you wanted seafood versus steak and chicken.”

“Ah, can I think about it?”

With a slight shake of her head, she pre

ssed on. “Give me your instant thoughts.”


She jotted that down. “There are several venues that do an exceptional job.”

Although he’d never planned an event like this before, Harrison was finding that the process flowed easily with London in charge. She was proving to be both efficient and knowledgeable.

“You’re really great at this,” he said.

Her lips quirked. “It is what I do for a living.”

“I didn’t mean to sound surprised. It’s just that I’ve never thrown anyone a birthday party before and you’re making everything so easy.”

“If you don’t mind my asking, how did you come to be in charge of this particular event?”

Harrison doubted London was the sort who liked to play games, so he decided to be straight with her. “I volunteered because I was interested in getting to know you better and a friend warned me that you wouldn’t be inclined to give me a shot.”

“Get to know me better?” She looked more curious than annoyed or pleased. “So you decided to hire me to plan your brother’s birthday party? You should know that I don’t date my clients.”

Despite her claim, he sensed she wasn’t shutting him down entirely. “You said you usually work with corporate clients. Maybe this would be an excellent opportunity to gain some exposure with Crosby Automotive. And I get a chance to work with a woman who intrigues me. A win-win solution all around.”

Interest colored her voice as she echoed, “A win-win solution...”

* * *

London’s pen flowed across the legal pad as she randomly sketched a centerpiece and pondered Harrison’s words.

When he’d called to set up this meeting, she’d been elated. Organizing his brother’s birthday party would solve the problem of how she could get close enough to Tristan to figure out how to bring him down. The more she learned about Zoe’s ex-husband, the more daunting her task. Frustration welled up in London as she considered the impulsive bargain she’d made several months earlier. What had she been thinking to agree to something that could lead to trouble for her in the future if she wasn’t careful? But how did she back out now that Everly and Zoe had their plans in motion?

“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” Harrison asked.

The abruptness of his invitation combined with the uptick in her body’s awareness of him caught her off guard, and London was shocked and dismayed by the delight blooming in her.


She’d been so focused on her goal of helping Zoe that she hadn’t considered the possibility of an interpersonal relationship between her and Harrison. Now, with his startling confession, the situation had grown complicated.

“Ever since meeting you at the party the other night, I can’t stop thinking about you,” he declared, his sea-toned eyes darkening as his voice took on a smoky quality. “You don’t date your clients, but there’s nothing that says you can’t. Let me take you to dinner.”

You made this devil’s bargain. Now see it through.

“Tomorrow would be better,” she responded a touch breathlessly.

“I’m heading to Richmond with the crew tomorrow. Tonight is all I have.”

She was on the verge of refusing when his smile faded. An intense light entered his eyes and London found it difficult to breathe. The man’s charisma was off the charts at the moment and London found herself basking in the glow of his admiration. At the same time she couldn’t help but wonder if he was sincere or merely plying her with flattery to get her into bed. Worse, she wasn’t sure she cared.