th Linc. He’d loved giving back to the community. In fact, this particular charity was a pet project of his.

No doubt she could look forward to running into her ex. Would he be surprised that she was here with Harrison? Given what she’d heard about his relationship with his housekeeper, would he even care?

“I can’t imagine how much it costs to maintain all this,” she continued, anxiety making her remarks clumsy. “And he has a house in the historic district, as well? Crosby Automotive must be doing really well.”

Harrison gave her an odd look.

Was she being too obvious in her interest again? “It’s quite a bit of real estate,” she added nervously.

“I guess. I’ve never really thought about it.”

“And all these horses, it must cost a fortune to maintain them.”

“Look, you really suck at beating around the bush,” Harrison said, his tone slightly aggrieved. “Is there something you want to ask?”

“I’m being nosy, but I heard that his ex-wife ended up with next to nothing in the divorce settlement because Tristan wasn’t doing all that well financially.”

Harrison shrugged. “That might be what she’s telling people. But what she got in the divorce might have more to do with something that triggered certain clauses in her prenuptial agreement.”


London already knew what Harrison was referring to. Zoe had been accused of infidelity, a charge Tristan trumped up. There had been photos and hotel room charges. She’d disputed the accusation and proved her innocence, but the fight had racked up legal fees, eating up her small settlement. Meanwhile Tristan had cheated on her to his heart’s content with no repercussions.

“You don’t believe that?” Harrison asked, his ability to read her proving troublesome once again.

“I guess that makes sense.”

All too aware she’d really put her foot in it, London cast around for a distraction and spied Everly in the crowd. Every encounter with the woman had driven London’s anxiety higher and she tensed. Beside her, ever sensitive to her reactions, Harrison sent his palm skating up her spine in a soothing caress.

“Something wrong?” he asked, regarding her with concern in his sea-glass eyes.

What excuse could she give him? London’s brain scrambled for anything that sounded reasonable but came up empty. At her lack of response, his gaze swept the crowd. Not far from Everly, Linc and his sister were strolling side by side through the crowd. He looked happy. Moving on had obviously been good for him.

In contrast, London’s nerves were twisted into knots and her stomach felt as if she were on a small boat tossed by stormy seas. In the month since she and Harrison had first gone to dinner, the pain of her broken engagement had faded to a distant memory. She had Harrison to thank for that. Since that night at her condo, they’d been together almost every night. Sometimes at her place. Sometimes at his. Occasionally she wondered at her lack of interest in going out to dinner or in joining Maribelle and Beau for drinks. Having Harrison all to herself was addictive and she’d noticed herself almost constantly basking in the warm glow of contentment that he was in her life.

“Ah,” Harrison said, bringing her back to the present. He’d noticed Linc and assumed that was why she was acting so strange. “Are you going to be okay?”

“Sure. Fine.” London shook her head. “It’s all good.”

“Are you sure?”

Although he sounded concerned, his expression had gone flat. He’d obviously misinterpreted the reason for her dismay. London imagined how she’d feel if Harrison had an ex-fiancée and she was attending the same party. Not that Harrison could ever be described as insecure.

“Of course.” London gave the declaration an extra punch to reassure him all was well. “It’s water under the bridge.”

“Is that why you’re so tense?”

Damn the man for being so perceptive. London noticed her shoulders had started climbing toward her ears and made an effort to relax them. Usually only her mother had such a strong effect on her, but London had to admit Everly Briggs scared her.

“I haven’t seen him since our engagement ended,” London said. “It just takes a little getting used to.” Pleasure suffused her at the concern in Harrison’s eyes. As accustomed as she was to being strong all the time, it was a welcome change to lean on someone else. “Thank you for worrying about me.”

And then, because actions spoke louder than words, she grabbed a handful of Harrison’s bright blue blazer. Throwing propriety to the wind, she tugged him to her. Her high heels put her lips within kissing distance of his and Harrison obliged her by dipping his head. The kiss electrified her, sensation racing through her body with familiar and joyful results. She grew light-headed almost immediately and was glad for the strong arm he wrapped around her waist.

Thanks to him the kiss didn’t spin out of control. If left up to her, London would have tugged him into a private corner and let her fingers find their way beneath his crisp white dress shirt. As it was, they were both breathing a little unsteadily when he lifted his head.

“Damn,” he murmured in wonder. “You do surprise me sometimes.”

“That’s good, right?”