Following that incredible encounter on Monday afternoon, Harrison had been a man of his word and accompanied her to choose flowers and pick out stationery.

In the subsequent days, even though he’d been preoccupied with pre-race preparations, he’d sent her several charming messages that made her body sing.

With each text she’d grown more and more impatient to see him again. She caught herself daydreaming about what she would do the next time she got him alone. In all-too-brief moments of clarity, London reminded herself that this behavior ran counter to her real purpose in getting to know him better. She was supposed to be focused on securing whatever information she could to take down his brother. The push and pull of regret and longing was making her question her character and decisions.

Unfortunately, it was too late to back out now.

Her phone buzzed again.

“Do you need to get that?” Chip asked.

Fighting the need to connect with Harrison was too much work and London nodded with relief. “It might be work,” she said, hoping that wasn’t the case.

It’s hot in Miami. Thinking of you in a bikini.

Joy blasted through her, shocking in its power. Giddy with delight, she forgot that she was sitting across from one of Charleston’s most fervent gossips.

Missing you.

She stared at the words she’d just sent. Despite the fact that it was true, she couldn’t believe she’d opened herself up like that.

You’re sure you can’t join me?

She bit her lip as temptation raged within her. The corporate event she’d arranged for Saturday night could be turned over to Grace. It would be so easy to jump on a plane and be in the stands cheering him on Sunday afternoon.

Can’t. How about dinner Monday? My place.

His response came at her in a flash.


She sent a smiley face emoji and returned the phone to the table, aware she was smirking. Only then did she glance at her dinner companion and notice that he wore a bemused expression.

“That wasn’t work,” Chip said.

“What makes you say that?” she hedged, a flush racing over her skin.

“I’ve never seen you smile like that before.” His eyes narrowed. “Not even when you were first engaged to Linc. You are glowing. Who is he?”

London shook her head. “What makes you think it was a he? It could’ve been Maribelle.”

“It was Harrison Crosby, wasn’t it?” Chip countered, displaying absolute confidence in his deductive reasoning. “You’re interested in him. He’s a catch.”

“Is he?” London replied weakly. “I guess I haven’t thought of him that way.”

Lies, lies, all lies. She’d thought of little else these last few days. London was abruptly appalled at the person she was becoming. Nor did she have a plan to extricate herself from her pledge to take down Tristan even as her feelings for Harrison grew. More and more she was convinced that everything was going to blow up in her face and her actions would end up causing harm rather than helping Zoe.

* * *

At a table near the front window of the coffee shop across the street from London’s ExcelEvent office, Everly sipped green tea and pondered her ever-deepening concern over London’s relationship with Harrison. Stupid idiot. At least she’d picked the inconsequential brother to fall for. Everly would have to kill her if she’d fallen for Tristan.

Her cell buzzed, indicating an incoming call from her assistant. Annoyed with the distraction, she sent the call to voice mail. She refused to make London’s mistake and lose focus. A second later her phone buzzed again. It was Nora again.

Blowing out a breath, she unclenched her teeth and answered. “What?”

“Devon Connor is here for your four o’clock meeting,” Nora said, unruffled by her employer’s sharp tone.

“What four o’clock meeting?”