He found his breath wasn’t altogether steady as he said, “I’ve never known anyone like you.”

“Really?” Her head swiveled just enough to give him a glimpse of her skeptical expression.


Beneath her show of reserve—and he now realized that was all it was, a performance she’d played all her life—lurked a wild woman, unsatisfied with all the restrictions placed on her by society and expectations. He looked forward to coaxing her from hiding.

“You haven’t gotten other women off in public?”

“Most of the women I’ve been with know the score. They’re with me because of who I am and are willing to do whatever I’m into.” He turned her around and put his hands on her shoulders, waiting until she met his gaze before continuing. “You are with me in spite of who I am. What just happened was all about you. For you. I’m incredibly honored just to be a part of it.”

“I can’t believe I did that,” she murmured, disbelief in her tone. “That wasn’t at all like me.”

“I think it was. You just don’t want to admit it.” He paused a beat, noted that she remained unsure and finished, “You were incredible.”

“Don’t expect that it will happen again.”

But they both knew it wasn’t the end. He recognized the truth in his gut and saw acknowledgment in her eyes.

“Whatever you want to happen will.”

And as she frowned at him, trying to interpret what he meant, Harrison knew that party planning had never been so sexy.


Chip Corduroy was the sort of Charleston insider London had begun cultivating long before she’d started her event planning business because he knew everyone’s dirty secrets and could be counted on to trade information for favors. The slender fifty-year-old had a proud pedigree and expensive taste. Unfortunately, that meant he mostly lived above his means, which was why he loved that London “treated” him to spa days, shopping excursions and dinners out at the best restaurants in exchange for leads and introductions.

“I heard you’ve been out with Harrison Crosby a few times,” Chip said, shooting her a sideways glance.

They were standing in front of the hostess at Felix Cocktails et Cuisine waiting to be seated and London wasn’t at all surprised that the sandy-haired man had caught wind of their dates.

“It’s business,” she responded, keeping her answers short. “I’m planning his brother’s birthday party.”

“Doesn’t really seem your type,” Chip persisted, obviously not believing her explanation.

“Because he’s a race-car driver?” She heard the defensive note in her voice and inwardly winced.

“Because his family isn’t old Charleston.”

“There aren’t many eligible men who are.” London sighed, feeling disingenuous as she fed Chip what he expected her to say. “But from everything I’ve heard, it seems as if Tristan and I would be better suited.” The lie tasted awful on her tongue, but she needed whatever Chip knew about Tristan.

“So you’ve given up on getting back together with Linc?” From the routine nature of the question, London suspected he already knew the answer. “I mean, you two were the golden couple.”

“Maybe on paper.”

In truth, the longer they’d been together and the more interest Linc had displayed in settling down and starting a family, the more she’d dragged her feet about setting a wedding date. Frankly, she’d been terrified at the idea that she’d be expected to give up her career and had struggled to imagine herself as a mother. Did she have the patience for children? Or the interest?

And yet none of those same questions or insecurities bombarded her when she imagined herself with Harrison. Not that she saw a future with him. Her mother would disown her if London married a race-car driver. And then there was the revenge plot against Tristan, something she’d have to keep secret from Harrison forever. What chance did a relationship have when the partners weren’t truthful with each other?

No doubt the impossibility of a happily-ever-after with Harrison was what kept her anxieties at bay. Convinced they had no future, London was free to daydream about them settling into a house somewhere between downtown Charleston and the Crosby Motorsports complex. With her business growing ever more successful each year and thanks to the hard work of the fantastic staff she’d hired, she was in a position where she could delegate more. They’d have two darling kids. A boy and a girl. Both would have Harrison’s sea green eyes and her blond hair. They would grow up to become anything they wanted to be with both parents encouraging their individual interests.

“Have you heard that he’s taken up with his housekeeper?” Chip asked, dragging London away from her daydream.

She found herself reluctant to emerge from the satisfying fantasy. “Really?” She forced herself to sound aghast, knowing it would spur her companion to greater gossip even as her actions filled her with distaste.

“He’s definitely sleeping with her.”

When his mother had encouraged Linc to hire Claire Robbins, London’s initial reaction had been to doubt Maribelle’s concerns that the pretty military widow was competition and to ignore the fact that Claire and Linc had chemistry. In London’s view, Claire was obviously still in love with her deceased husband and utterly focused on her darling toddler.