Harrison let London’s friends walk ahead of them. The urge to touch her couldn’t be denied, so he bumped the back of his hand against hers to see how she’d react. She shot him a questioning glance even as she twisted her wrist so that her palm met his. As his fingers closed around hers, a lazy grin slid over his lips.

“This is...really something.” Her choice of words left him with no idea how she felt, but her gaze darted around as if she half expected to be run over any second. “There’s a lot of activity.”

Up and down the length of the garage, the crews swarmed their cars, making last-minute tweaks before the final practice of the day. Today was a little less chaotic for Harrison than race day and he was delighted to be able to give London and her friends a tour.

“If you think this is hectic, wait until tomorrow. Things really kick into high gear then.”

“So, you look like you’re dressed to get behind the wheel.” She set her fingertip lightly on his chest right over his madly pumping heart. “What’s going on today?”

“We had the qualifying race this morning and there are practices this afternoon.”

She cocked her head like a curious bird. “You have to qualify before you can race?”

“The qualifier determines what position you start in.”

“And where are you starting?”

“Tenth.” He should’ve done better, but his excitement at seeing London again had blown a hole in his concentration. It was unexpected. No woman had thrown him off his game before.

“Is that good?”

Based on the tongue-lashing delivered by his uncle, not so much.

“In a pack of forty,” Harrison said with an offhanded shrug. “It’s okay.”

Nor was it his worst start all year. A month ago his car had failed the inspection before the qualifying race because of a piece of tape on his spoiler and he’d ended up starting in thirty-sixth position.

“So I’ll get to see you drive this afternoon?”

“We have a fifty-minute practice happening at three.” He took her hand in his and drew her forward. “Come meet my team and check out the car.”

After introducing London and her friends to his uncle and giving them a quick tour of the garage, Harrison directed Beau and Maribelle to a spot where they could watch the practice laps. Before letting London get away, he caught her hand and stopped while they were twenty feet from the stall where his car sat.

“You know, I’ve been thinking about you all week,” he confessed, mesmerized by the bright gold shards floating in her blue eyes.

“I’ve been thinking about you, too.” And then, as if she’d given too much away, she finished with, “We have several venues to look at on Monday and I have lots of ideas to run past you for the decor.”

He ignored her attempt to turn the conversation to business and leaned close. “I’ve been regretting that I didn’t take you up on your offer.”

Her tone was husky as she asked, “What offer was that?”

He pinched a fold of her suede jacket between his fingers and tugged her a half step toward him until their thighs brushed. At the glancing contact, she bit down on her lower lip.

“When you told me to kiss you any way I want.”

“That was in the heat of the moment,” she said, her voice soft and a trifle breathless. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“I was kinda hoping you weren’t thinking at all.”

“I guess I wasn’t.” She gave him a wry smile. “Because if I had been, I probably wouldn’t have gone out with you in the first place.” Her lighthearted tone took the punch out of her words.

“I’m gonna guess you think too much.”

“I’m gonna guess you do, too,” she said.

“Most of the time, but not when I’m around you. Then all I do is feel.” Harrison cupped her face and sent his thumb skimming across her lower lip. Her eyes widened in surprise. “In fact, my uncle is annoyed with me because it’s been hard for me to stay focused.”

The temptation to dip his head and kiss her in full view of her friends, his uncle and the racing team nearly overcame him until she gently pulled his hand away and gave it a brief squeeze.