Claire nodded. She let loose a shaky breath and kept going. “I started out at the bottom, trying to coax him to come down, but he didn’t like me very much. I think he’d picked up on the antagonism between his mother and me. Anyway, I ended up climbing up into the tree house, hoping to talk some sense into him. But he started screaming at me and told me to go away, acting like I was scaring him half to death.” A mirthless smile twisted her lips. “The little brat was good at making scenes and knew exactly how to manipulate his mother. Anyway, I was on the verge of leaving him be when he decided to go out the window and try to climb across to a nearby branch.”

“Did he make it?”

“Yes, but once he got there, he lost his balance. I tried to grab him, but he was just out of reach and he fell.” Claire closed her eyes for a long second. “Because he was making such a fuss, a bunch of the guests were looking our way, and from their angle, they said it looked like I’d pushed him.”

“You can’t be serious.”

Even before she answered, Claire’s grim expression told him just how bad things had been. “Needless to say, Aubrey’s family already disliked me and I think one of them called child protective services, claiming I was a danger to the kids.”

“Surely no one could possibly have believed that.”

“Those sorts of agencies get things wrong all the time. It didn’t help that Shane also claimed I’d pushed him. He ended up with a broken arm and devoured all the attention he got that day.” As the story wound down, Claire trailed off with a sigh.

Linc remembered how he’d encouraged her to take some time off and go home to visit her family. He understood now why she hadn’t looked all that excited about it.

“When the findings came back from the social worker that I posed a potential danger to my half siblings, I realized that maintaining a relationship with my father was going to be tough.”

“I can’t believe your father believed you could hurt them. What is your relationship with him like now?”

“I think he feels bad, but he’s married to Aubrey and has a responsibility to their children. We talk when she’s not around and he came to visit me in the hospital after Honey was born. When I told him what Jasper’s parents were trying to do, he gave me some money to help me get out of San Francisco and start over somewhere new. I know he’d like to do more, but...” She trailed off.

Linc ached, seeing her pain. “That’s not fair to you.”

“And it’s made me wary of trusting people.” She cast a burning look his way from beneath her lashes. “Even those I want to.”

He caught her meaning and gave a small nod. “So this business with Shane and child protective services stepping in is what Jasper’s parents have against you?”

“Yes. I’m not sure how they found out about it, but when they started threatening me for custody of Honey, I left town.”

“You could’ve fought it. All you needed was a good lawyer.”

“I couldn’t afford one. With the high cost of living in California, it was all I could do to keep my head above water. And I was too afraid if I’d stayed to fight them that I might lose Honey.” Tears glinted at the corners of her eyes. “I bought a car and a friend of mine registered it in his name. Then I drove across country, stopping in small towns and picking up odd jobs here and there. It took me nearly six months to get to Charleston. I wasn’t sure how long I was going to stick around, but then I met your mother and she thought I’d be a good fit for your housekeeper. It’s been great working for you and living here. It’s the first time since learning Jasper was dead that I’ve felt safe. I should’ve known it wouldn’t last.”

“How did the Patmores find you?”

“I don’t have a clue. I’ve been careful to stay under the radar. I suppose they could’ve hired someone. But even if they’d located me in Charleston, to show up at the party like that is so odd. Because there was no doubt they were there specifically to find me.”

“Someone in Charleston must have tipped them off,” Linc said thoughtfully. “But for what purpose?”

Claire’s brown eyes looked huge in her pale face. “Because they figured out we’re involved and want me out of the picture.”

“What? Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Jasper’s parents knew all about you and threatened to go public with a bunch of lies unless I paid them off.”

“How much do they want?”

“A hundred thousand dollars. It’s the amount Honey would receive from the military because her father died in the line of duty.” Claire’s chin went up and her eyes grew cold. “But I’m not going to pay it to them.”

“Of course not.” But Linc would have no qualms about parting with the sum if it gave Claire some peace of mind. He was busy calculating the wisdom of paying off blackmailers when Claire made her stunning announcement.

“Honey and I are going to leave Charleston instead.”

* * *

Linc was shaking his head before Claire finished speaking. “Absolutely not. You’ve lost your mind if you think I’m going to let you leave Charleston.” From the tone of his voice, he meant every word. “Whatever it takes to keep you here is what we’ll do.”

“But this isn’t your problem,” she protested. “It’s mine, and I refuse to let you be dragged into my mess.”