“Apparently, she thought she was going to get fired and wanted to get back at the company before that happened. Plus, she thought it would help her get a job with the competitor.”

That Jenny knew so much of the story didn’t surprise Claire at all. She’d heard snatches of several tales tonight as she moved through the crowd. This group of people seemed to feed off drama and loved to share every juicy tidbit.

“Well, that’s just crazy,” Claire said. “Why would she think that was a good idea?”

“I don’t know. Maybe crazy runs in the family.”

“Should I warn Linc?” He didn’t need someone like that in his life.

“Naw,” Jenny said, sliding a sidelong glance in Claire’s direction. “I don’t think she’s Linc’s type.”

Her friend’s sly grin caught Claire off guard, but she quickly recovered. “I wasn’t wondering that.”


“I wasn’t.” Claire gave her head a little toss. “Although, I think he could do better.”

“Well, he certainly has plenty to choose from at this party. I wonder if he enjoys all the attention or if he finds it irritating.”

“Most men would love to be fawned over by all these women,” Claire said. “On the other hand, Bettina has made it clear that she’s hosting this party so he can meet some eligible women and possibly start a relationship with one of them. I imagine he has to feel a little bit like prey.”

The two women went their own way, Jenny to deliver the dirty dishes to the kitchen and Claire to continue making sure the party was going smoothly. She greeted several of Linc’s friends as she passed them. Apparently, Linc hadn’t wanted to face the horde of marriage-minded women without backup. Claire spied Knox deep in conversation with Sawyer and wondered if those two had ever tried dating or if Linc didn’t trust his baby sister with his best friend.

After checking on the inventory behind the portable bar set up in the parlor and finding satisfactory levels of alcohol and mix, she retreated into the kitchen to assess the situation there.

“How are we doing?” she asked Trudy, the woman she’d hired to assist her with the preparations. “Anything we’re running low on?”

“Your crab puffs are a huge hit. Good thing we made more than you originally planned.”

Claire nodded. “This is a town that likes its seafood.”

With a large party like this, so many things could go wrong, but she’d been planning and organizing like a fiend. Over the next few hours, things went so smoothly it was almost anticlimactic. By ten o’clock, she estimated a third of the party guests had taken off. With the gathering winding down, all she had left to do was clean up and head out.

While she collected trays and chafing dishes from the buffet, Claire surreptitiously looked around for Linc, curious if he’d found someone he wanted to spend some quiet one-on-one time with. Throughout the evening, every time she’d ventured through the room, he’d been conversing with a different woman. His mother had to be thrilled that he was taking her matchmaking so seriously.

As if her thoughts had summoned him, Linc came up beside her. His long, warm fingers curved around her arm, and he gave her a brief heart-wrenching squeeze.

“Another successful event under your belt. Your food is fantastic and pretty soon everyone in Charleston is going to know who you are.”

His praise and support made Claire light-headed. “I’m sure they already know I’m your housekeeper.”

“I’m talking about the polo match that’s coming up. You’ll make a huge splash as the caterer and I’m sure my mother would be happy to talk you up to her friends.”

“You know, it sounds like you’re trying to get rid of me.”

“Not at all. It’s just that several people have mentioned to me lately that your talents are going to waste as my housekeeper. I thought maybe your loyalty to me might be stopping you from starting your own catering business.” Though he smiled as he said it, his blue eyes were grave.

“I’d never do that.” Her throat tightened at the thought of leaving him. “I don’t have the money or the know-how to start my own company.”

“But if you did?”

Although she was flattered that so many people had faith in her cuisine, the pressure to succeed overwhelmed her. “I also don’t have the time or the desire. You know that Honey is my top priority. Also, there are so many well-established caterers in Charleston, I can’t imagine being able to compete.” She offered him a wry smile. “So it looks like you’re stuck with me.”

To her relief, the corner of his mouth kicked up in a matching grin. “That’s good to hear, but I don’t want to stand in your way if you think doing something else might be better for you and Honey.”

“I know it must seem that I’m unambitious, but I’m happy right where I am.” The position enabled her to stay below the radar and out of sight of Jasper’s parents. “So, have you picked one yet?” she asked, deciding to change the subject.

“Picked one?” he echoed with a slight frown.