Downstairs, Linc poked his head into the kitchen and found a completely unflustered Claire giving instructions to her waitstaff. Determining she had everything under control, he went in search of Sawyer and found her chatting with the bartender setting up in the sunporch off the main living room.

“Hey,” Linc said, eyeing the drink in Sawyer’s hand. “Starting already?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but it’s club soda.” She sipped the drink and changed the subject. “Are you sure it was a good idea inviting all your friends tonight?”

“Absolutely.” Linc had hoped to redistribute some of the pressure the female guests were sure to bring. All his friends were single and one perfect girl away from settling down. “Austin, Knox and Roy have been looking for some new meat.”

Sawyer made a face. “Yuck.”

“You say that, but I bet every one of them hooks up tonight.”

“Challenge accepted,” she said, an adversarial glint in her eye. “I will make it my solemn duty to warn everyone in here about your buddies.”

The idea that Sawyer would be running around cock-blocking his friends amused Linc. “They’re not all bad,” he said, testing out a theory. “Knox, for example, is a great guy.”

“He’s no better than the rest.”

Even though he watched his sister carefully, she gave no sign that corroborated his suspicions that she was into his best friend. Time to push a little harder. “That’s not true. In fact, I think he’s seriously interested in someone.”

“Why do you say that?” Sawyer looked only mildly curious.

“Because from what I can tell, he hasn’t taken a girl back to his place since I returned to Charleston and there are a lot of nights he doesn’t come out with us at all.”

Sawyer waved her hand, dismissing his theory. “That doesn’t mean he’s interested in someone. Maybe he’s really busy or just sick of hanging out and drinking every night with a bunch of thirtysomething adolescents.”

Linc shook his head. “There’s more to it than that. I know my friend. The only time he isn’t looking to hook up is when he’s already involved.”

“You’re imagining things.”

“Sort of like you,” he said, hoping this time he could trip her up and she’d admit she was seeing someone. Someone like Knox.

“Sort of like me what?”

“I think you’re dating someone. I’ve put Knox on your trail. It’s only a matter of time before he figures out who it is and tells me.”

Sawyer frowned at him in puzzlement. “Why do you care?”

“I need to set the guy straight about you.” Linc liked playing the part of the protective big brother. He’d assumed the role as soon as Sawyer started kindergarten. “It’s important that he knows if he breaks your heart, I’m going to kick his ass.”

“Nice,” she scoffed, her voice dry. “You don’t need to worry. No one is going to break my heart, and besides, what if he’s bigger than you and kicks your ass instead?”

Linc snorted. At six feet two inches of solid muscle, he wasn’t worried. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

“It’s not going to happen because it doesn’t need to happen.” Sawyer set her empty glass down and indicated she wanted a refill. “You don’t need to watch out for me. I’m a big girl.”

“But it’s my job to take care of you and Mom.”

Their dad sure as hell hadn’t been around to do that, even before his financial schemes landed him in jail.

“That’s sweet,” Sawyer said. “Worry about Mom all you want, but I can take care of myself just fine.”

“Okay, then answer me this. Are you dating anyone?”

“Shouldn’t you be greeting your guests or something?”

“Nobody’s here yet.”

“Then why don’t you go pester Claire? Or bug this guy to make sure the bar is stocked with the right kind of bourbon.”