“I’d better get the china and crystal put away,” Claire said as she rinsed out her wine glass and set it in the sink.

“My offer to help still stands.”

“Thanks, but it won’t take me very long.”

In a strange way, he felt dismissed. Clearly, she was trying to reestablish the nature of their relationship. Employer and housekeeper.

Instead of arguing, Linc headed upstairs to the large master bedroom on the second floor. As he trudged up the wide staircase, he stripped out of his blazer and unbuttoned his shirtsleeves. He’d scarcely entered his bedroom when his ears picked up the soft squeak of a pine board in the hallway behind him. Tossing his coat onto a nearby chair, he turned and spied Claire standing just outside his room.

“I’m sorry about what happened earlier,” she said, uttering the last thing he wanted to hear. “I’ve put you in a bad position.”

“You haven’t.” He watched as she covered one bare foot with the other and seemed to withdraw into herself as if trying to disappear.

She cleared her throat. “Can we chock it up to...”


Her lips twitched in a familiar wry smile. “I was going to say curiosity.”

“But that’s not all it was.” He stepped into the hallway, body coming alive as he drew within arm’s length of her.

“I didn’t realize until recently just how much I ignored my own needs.”

“You’ve had Honey to think about.”

He wasn’t going to bring u

p her devotion to her deceased husband again. Obviously, she was ready to move on. Or she thought she was.

“She’s been my priority, but I also think I’ve used her to isolate myself. The only way I’ve ever successfully conquered loneliness is to keep busy and stay focused.”

“I’m familiar with the technique. How do you think I got so good at baseball? During the years that my father was in prison, I spent hours and hours at the batting cages or running catch-and-throw drills.”

“I get that.”

Linc reached out and set his fingers beneath her chin, tipping her head back so he could drown in her big brown eyes. “I’m here for you. Whenever you need me.”

“Some uncomplicated sex?” Her tone was light and teasing, but her somber expression betrayed her nervousness.

“Whatever you need.” He shaped his grin so she could either take his offer seriously or dismiss it as a joke. He hoped she chose the former.

She sighed. “You have no idea how much I want to take you up on that.”

“Hopefully as much as I want you to.”

“Oh, hell.”

And then she was taking him by the hand and drawing him back into his bedroom. It was the sign he’d been waiting for. With a relieved sigh, Linc strode forward, scooped Claire into his arms and carried her purposefully toward his bed.

He set her down on the coverlet and stripped off his shirt. Eyes never leaving her, he made quick work of his shoes and watch. While he was thus occupied, she peeled her hoodie off and tossed all the decorative pillows aside.

“I make your bed every morning and never found all these things to be as annoying as I do right now.” Her unsteady breath and wicked grin had a predictable effect on his arousal.

“Will it shock you to know how many times I’ve wanted to surprise you in the act of making the bed and tumble you into the sheets?”

“Would it shock you to know how many times I’ve pressed my face into your pillow and imagined what it would be like to be naked in this bed with you?”

He groaned. “You win.”