“She’s happy right where she is.”

“Maybe. But Austin was right when he pointed out that her culinary talent is wasted on just you.”

“So I’ll entertain more.”

“Didn’t you say she’s catering your mother’s party in a couple weeks?”

“Yeah. What of it?”

“Augusta cornered Claire just before we left and asked if she could do the food for the function she’s coordinating next month for that free medical clinic her cousin volunteers at.”

“Did she agree?” It hadn’t occurred to Linc that Claire might be interested in picking up some extra work here and there.

“She said she’d think about it and give her a call.”

Linc didn’t consider himself selfish, but the thought of sharing Claire irritated him.

“Have you considered that you’re doing her a disservice by having her as your housekeeper?”

“I guess I haven’t.”

Until now, he hadn’t given it much thought. She seemed happy enough keeping his forty-five-hundred-square-feet home neat and clean. Often she pointed out that his long periods of absence during the spring and summer months enabled her to devote time and attention to her daughter. But now that Honey was getting older, wouldn’t she be going off to preschool? Maybe with more free time Claire would start to explore opportunities where she could use her culinary skills.

And if Claire decided to quit and pursue a career as a chef? Linc fought down a rising uneasiness. The idea that his house would no longer ring with Honey’s silver giggles or be filled with Claire’s beautiful smiles made his gut knot.

“She won’t leave me.”

“What if she does?”

Something in Knox’s tone snagged Linc’s attention. He turned from his contemplation of the pool and noted his friend wore a concerned expression.

“She won’t.”

* * *

With Linc’s guests gone, Honey finally succumbed to sleep. Although the rooms Claire and Honey occupied were on the third floor, noise from the boisterous dinner party had filtered up the stairs and the unusual activity in the house meant her curious daughter had resisted settling down for the night. Even though Claire had been the one to finally get Honey to fall asleep, she’d given the babysitter a little extra for her trouble.

Confident Honey was down for the night, Claire descended to the quiet kitchen to survey what still needed to be done. Since they’d finished most of the cleanup, she probably could’ve left the balance for the morning, but with euphoria pumping through her body on the heels of the successful dinner party, there was no way she was going to be able to sleep.

So, instead of pacing around her room or lying in bed and staring at the ceiling, Claire decided to wash the table linens and put away the crystal and china in the butler’s pantry off the kitchen. With Honey’s ever-increasing climbing ability, the sooner Claire could secure the breakable items, the better.

Claire padded barefoot into the kitchen. She’d exchanged her chef whites for what served as pajamas for her: a pair of blue-and-green-striped drawstring pants and a light camisole. Because it was cooler downstairs, she’d also slipped on a thin hoodie.

Under-cabinet lighting softened the stark white cabinetry and marble countertops, giving the kitchen a cozy feel. When Linc wasn’t home, Claire often put Honey to bed and then came back to the first floor to fix a cup of herbal tea or enjoy a rare glass of wine. As much as she loved spending time with her daughter, Honey’s high energy level left her needing a little peace and quiet at the end of the day.

She set the linen napkins to soaking in the laundry room and then carefully dried and placed all the china and glassware back where it belonged. Deciding she deserved a glass of wine after all her hard work, Claire chose one of the crystal goblets and poured some of the crisp leftover Soave that she’d paired with the scallops. A dry white from northern Italy, this particular vintage had notes of peach and marjoram. Savoring the flavor, Claire wandered into the dark sunroom and sat in her favorite chair overlooking the pool.

Several windows were opened to allow the cool night air to filter in. Cigar smoke drifted toward her on the breeze. Obviously, Linc hadn’t gone to the bar with the rest of the party. And from the sound of things, he wasn’t alone. Claire recognized the second voice as belonging to Knox Smith.

“Tonight at dinner,” Knox said. “I saw the way you looked at her.”

“How was that?” Linc asked, his tone light and unconcerned.

Claire knew she shouldn’t stick around to overhear her employer’s conversation, but curiosity kept her in place. Which of tonight’s guests had piqued Linc’s interest? From her brief glimpse of the assembled women, if she had to bet, Claire’s money was on Landry, the stunning brunette with the green eyes.

It would be another adorable L and L combination. Linc and Landry. Like it had once been Linc and London. Plus, her rich sable hair would make for a nice contrast with Linc’s blond all-American looks. The media would eat them up.

“Like you couldn’t wait for the rest of us to get the hell out of your house so you could be alone with her,” Knox replied, his tone dry.