“I hope you get the approval this time around,” Linc said.

Knox nodded. “Are you still planning on making the hunting trip?” Knox’s family owned a large plantation a couple hours west of Charleston. Each fall, Knox brought a handful of his friends there for a weekend of deer hunting.

Linc cursed. Until now, he hadn’t realized that the hunting trip and his mother’s party were happening at the same time.

“I’m going to have to skip it this year. My mom’s decided to host a party and wants me to attend.”

“Can’t you tell her you already have plans?”

“Not exactly.” Linc was starting to understand how the deer must feel as Knox’s buddies gathered for their weekend of sport. “I’m afraid the party is about finding someone for me to date.”

“I’m not surprised,” Knox said with a broad grin. “She wasn’t too happy when you picked London. I’m sure she’ll make sure every woman there will be perfect for you.”

“Their pedigrees will be everything she could ever ask for,” Linc replied. “As for whether they’ll be perfect for me...that remains to be seen.”

* * *

Claire noticed a slight tremble in her hands as she dressed Honey in a new outfit to go out to dinner with Linc. Excitement raced through her body, bringing a sparkle to her eyes and color to her cheeks. She’d noticed the betraying effect while applying eyeliner and sweeping brick-red gloss across her smiling lips. It was impossible to subdue her high spirits despite several reproachful warnings to herself.

This was just a casual dinner between a boss and employee to celebrate one year of employment. Common enough in a professional setting. Nothing to get giddy over. Yet scolding herself didn’t settle her jittery nerves. Feeling this way would only bring her trouble. Plain and simple, she found her boss attractive, and instead of shutting her emotions down, she reveled in the thought that they were going to spend the evening together.

Fight it though she might, Claire had always been led by her emotions. If she’d done a better job listening to logic, she might have avoided getting involved with Jasper. On the other hand, whatever mistakes she’d made with him had given her Honey, and she wouldn’t trade her daughter for anything. Still, in the past few years, she’d become more cautious when following her heart.

“There,” she told her daughter, stepping back to admire the pale blue sundress covered in bright butterflies she’d recently bought. “You look so nice.”

A quick glance at the clock showed they were running late. Claire twisted her daughter’s hair into a loose topknot and fastened a bow. She felt a twinge at how adorable the two-year-old looked. Honey’s hair had the perfect length and texture to do all sorts of fun braids and updos, and when Claire had time, she enjoyed experimenting with ideas she gleaned off the internet.

“Can you play with your toys for a couple minutes while Mama gets dressed?”

Honey nodded and headed toward the books that lined the lower shelf of the nightstand in her room.

Claire headed next door to slip into the dress she had laid out. It was a simple short-sleeved dress, the color of wisteria. She fit her feet into a pair of beige sandals and snagged a white sweater out of her closet in case she needed it.

In less than five minutes, she returned to her daughter’s room to collect Honey, and the two of them headed downstairs.

Linc awaited them in the kitchen. He wore khaki pants and a navy cotton sweater over a white button-down shirt. The look was perfect for the casual seafood restaurant near Wappoo Creek.

“Oh, good,” he said, “you bo

th have sweaters. I reserved a table outside. I thought you might enjoy the view.”

“That sounds wonderful.”

Linc escorted them out to his car. Earlier he’d borrowed her keys so he could transfer Honey’s car seat from Claire’s Saab into the back of his white BMW X6. As she slid into the passenger seat, Claire couldn’t help but savor the thrill of being enfolded in the soft camel leather. The Saab was in good shape, but it couldn’t compare to this sort of luxury.

“All set?” Linc asked, glancing at Claire.

She nodded. As they made their way west on Broad Street, her anxiety began to fade. She and Linc had dined together several times in the year she’d been working for him. Granted, all those times had been impromptu meals in the kitchen or out by the pool, but it wasn’t like this was some momentous occasion. It was a work dinner.

“I’ve been thinking about the party my mom wants to have,” he began, breaking the silence as they crossed the Ashley River. “I hope you don’t feel obligated to do it.”

“Of course not.” While Linc was gone for the summer, Claire didn’t have a lot to do and she had assisted Dolly with three of Bettina’s dinner parties. “I’m always happy to help her out.”

“It’s extra work and, of course, you’ll be compensated.”

While she understood what he was getting at and appreciated his attempt to be fair, the conversation did serve to drive home that she worked for him. Maybe this was exactly what she needed to hear. A reminder of their relative positions. He was the boss. She, the employee. It cut the jubilant buzz about their evening nearly in half, so that by the time they reached the restaurant, she’d successfully tamed her wayward pulse.

Linc took charge of getting Honey out of her car seat and carrying her into the restaurant. Although the two-year-old was perfectly capable of walking, Linc always seemed to be in a hurry to get places and her short stubby legs were no match for his long ones.