“You’ve always existed to me.”

“I know.”

When he’d left LA yesterday morning, he’d promised himself to keep his distance until she was ready to commit to being in a relationship with him. That vow went up in smoke as she eased closer and sifted her fingers through his hair.

He had no words to deny her and no willpower to push her away. Letting his eyes close, he absorbed her breath on his skin and the gentle sweep of her lips against his. She touched him tentatively, as if she expected rejection at any second. Even if he had the strength to push her away, he’d never be able to do it. She soothed the places inside him damaged by his father’s abuse and the years he’d spent drowning in forgetfulness. Until she came along, he’d filled the gnawing emptiness first with reckless amusements, and then music.

That he couldn’t hold on to her, couldn’t convince her his need was greater than her sister’s, had nudged him close to the dark places he’d once lost himself in. Good thing he was no longer a stupid twentysomething. He might have sought the oblivion of those earlier days in his career before he’d hit rock bottom and cleaned himself up.

“About what you said to me the other night,” she said. “Nate, there’s something you should know—” she began, but he shook his head, cutting her off.

“Don’t talk.”

If they started a conversation he wouldn’t be able to take her in his arms and show her how much she meant to him. Standing up, he scooped her off the couch and headed for his bedroom.

“Are you sure?” she asked, when her feet touched the floor beside his bed.

“Very sure.”

He lowered his lips to her soft neck and breathed in her clean fragrance. Her fingers coasted down the front of his shirt, unfastening buttons as they went. Anticipation coiled in his gut below where she laid her palms against his skin. He shuddered, eager to revisit the heat of her body sliding against his.

“Tonight it’s just you and me.” And the beginning of everything.

* * *

Mia stood in Nate’s kitchen, surrounded by the leftovers from their Thanksgiving dinner, and smiled in blissful contentment. In the family room, Nate, Kyle and Trent sat on the couch in front of the big screen television watching football. It was the third game of the day and Mia wondered if men ever grew tired of watching a bunch of beefy guys pass, run and tackle.

“What can I do to help?” Melody slipped into the kitchen and gazed at the packed countertops.

“I’ve got this,” Mia said with a wistful smile. “But if you’d hang out and keep me company, that would be great.”

“But you did all the cooking,” Savannah said as she passed with her infant son in her arms. She placed the boy in his father’s care and returned. “You shouldn’t have to clean up, as well.”

“I’m happy to do it. Today was one of the best Thanksgivings I’ve ever had.” She pulled out plastic storage containers and began making meals that she intended to send home with everyone.

She’d made enough food for twenty people and what they hadn’t finished was way more than she and Nate could eat by themselves.

“I agree,” Melody said. “Last year Nate and I were on the road. Kyle and Trent went to Miami.” She paused and glanced at Savannah. “Did Rafe make you spend the holiday with Siggy?”

“Unfortunately.” Savannah shuddered.

Mia remembered hearing how Melody and Trent’s father was a terrible bully who treated Trent like the black sheep of the family for no good reason.

While the two women began sharing tales of Caldwell Thanksgivings past, Mia worked methodically to restore order to the kitchen. Listening to their stories of family dysfunction eased some of her angst. Although she’d called her parents and Ivy to wish them a happy Thanksgiving, not one had picked up.

It seemed impossible that after everything she’d done for Ivy her family could believe she was responsible for the leak. And with each hour that went by, it seemed as though Nate was right about her being permanently fired as Ivy’s assistant.

No more demands for coffee or frivolous errands. No more being awakened at three in the morning when Ivy returned home from partying with her entourage, and having to fix waffles or quesadillas, depending on what her sister was in the mood for. Mia still wasn’t accustomed to the peace and quiet that came from not being her sister’s assistant any longer.

It was nice playing house with Nate. Her gaze traveled toward the couch and lingered on the three men. Was this what a normal Thanksgiving was like? A house filled with great friends, good food and football.

“Oh, I know that look,” Savannah said with a wistful sigh.

Melody chuckled. “Do you recognize it every time you look in the mirror?”

“I recognize it from when you and Kyle first started dating.” Savannah eyed her sister-in-law. “Don’t you think it’s time you two stopped playing games and started acting like you’re in love once again?”

“Have you told him?” Mia kept her voice low.