“I don’t want to spoil the day for you guys.”

“You won’t.” The only thing that could spoil the day for Nate was if Mia found a reason not to show. “The longer you and Melody keep up whatever it is you’re doing, the harder it’s going to be to reconcile.”

“What if we’re not meant to be together?”

Kyle’s question hit at the heart of what Nate himself had been grappling with these last few weeks. And after last night, he was more convinced than ever that when the time came, Mia was going to bolt the same way she had that last morning in Sydney.

And what then? What was he planning to do without her? He couldn’t bear to think about it.

“You and Melody love each other,” Nate said. And in less than six months they were going to become parents, whether either of them was prepared or not. “You’ll find a way to work it out. Just remember why you fell for her in the first place.”

“But I’ve really messed up. I pretty much accused her of cheating on me with Hunter.”

Nate could appreciate his friend’s predicament. Kyle was a well-known player. Before realizing he was in love with Melody, he’d dated lots of women and committed to none of them.

“Have you asked yourself why?”

“Many times. It’s the way Melody and I got together. She was trying to make Hunter jealous. I keep thinking maybe she picked the wrong guy.”

Nate didn’t think this was the heart of Kyle’s troubles. It seemed more likely that he was afraid to give himself over to the intense feelings Melody aroused in him. Nate got it. Falling in love was a big, scary deal. As he was discovering.

“You don’t really believe that?”

“That picture of them together in New York. She looked so happy with him. It’s been months and months since she’s been like that with me...” Kyle’s voice trailed off and silence reigned in the car for a while. “And now he’s here and working at your studio,” he finally added. “I’m sure she’s spending tons of time with him. He’s going to win her back,” Kyle grumbled. “If he hasn’t already.”

“So that’s it then?” Nate’s tone was harsh. He wanted Kyle to man up and fight for the woman he loved. “You’re giving up?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“It sure as hell sounds like it.”

Kyle opened his mouth but no words came out. Nate would love it if the only problem between him and Mia was a stupid misunderstanding about a photo of her with an ex-boyfriend.

“You’re both acting like a couple of idiots,” Nate declared. “Things between you might have moved fast, but that’s no reason to freak out. Stop being so dense. Tell her you love her and make her believe it.”

For a long time Kyle didn’t say anything. Then, as he turned the car onto Nate’s street, he said, “Thanksgiving, huh? What time should I be there?”

“Dinner’s at five, but you’re welcome at any time. Trent and Dylan are coming early for the Vikings-Lions game. Savannah and Melody plan on coming midafternoon.”

“Can I bring anything?”

Nate grinned. “Just your best behavior. Mia and I will provide the rest.”

Twenty minutes later, after switching to his own car at home, Nate was pulling into the studio parking lot. The receptionist greeted him with a wave when he went inside. He popped into a couple different control booths to see how things were going. He found Melody on the couch in studio C with Hunter at the boards.

When she spotted him, Melody jumped up and rushed across the room to throw her arms around his neck.

“Thanks for sending Kyle to pick me up.”

“Sorry about the switch, but Hunter had a free hour to help me out. Hey, you got your voice back.” Melody beamed at him. “But you shouldn’t overdo it.”

“I won’t.” Nate turned to Hunter. “How’s it going with her album?”

“She’s got a lot of great songs here. We’ll just have to whittle it down.” The look he gave Melody sent a wave of apprehension through Nate. “It might take a while.”

Maybe Kyle had reason to be concerned, after all. Not because Melody was falling for her ex-boyfriend, but because Hunter had a very possessive look in his eye when he gazed at her. As if he might be planning to work damned hard to win her back.

“Not too long, I hope,” Nate said. “I’d like to have it ready to go by the beginning of next year.”