“I had a quick errand to run.”

Ivy yawned. “I’m dead. Can you stop and get me my usual with three shots? I need a pick-me-up.”

“Sure.” Mia resisted the urge to talk her sister out of such a massive caffeine hit. If Ivy was ever going to start taking care of herself, Mia would have to stop making all her decisions for her.

She drove to Ivy’s favorite coffee shop near her house, parked and grabbed her wallet out of her tote. “Anything else?”

“One of those scones with the raspberry.”

“The white chocolate one?”

Ivy nodded and Mia headed off. Thanks to the long line, it took her fifteen minutes to get back to her sister.

“They didn’t have any of the white chocolate so I got you one with orange and cranberry.” Mia set the coffee cup in the drink holder and held out the bag containing the pastry.

Ivy took it without looking up from her phone. She was idly scrolling through pictures and acted as if Mia hadn’t spoken. The change of mood wasn’t unexpected. Ivy hated being kept waiting for anything.

And then as they pulled up in front of the house, Ivy spoke. “I’m going to get Hunter to produce my album.”

“What?” Mia glanced at her sister in confusion. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean, he’s had some success, but at the same time he’s still pretty new to that side of the business. And the label is expecting Nate to be involved.”

“I don’t like the direction Nate is taking my album. I want to do things my way.”

Often when Mia dealt with Ivy she felt as if she stood between a rock and a hard place. Part of her job was to keep Ivy happy. The other part was more difficult. She needed to keep her sister’s career on a strong trajectory. That meant keeping the label happy.

“Of course you do. But at the same time you have to consider the best for your career.”

“You don’t think I know what’s best for my career?”

“Sure. Of course.” Mia decided retreat was the best option.

Ivy got out of the car, and once she was in the house, headed straight to her room without saying another word. After checking in with the housekeeper, Clara, Mia grabbed her overnight bag and left. She was too excited about her own plans to stick around and let Ivy’s drama spoil the rest of her day.

Mia had booked a spa appointment for herself as a special treat. She’d planned for a facial, pedicure and manicure to get her in the perfect mood for the festive event. It was rare for her to get so much uninterrupted time to herself, and several hours later she felt both relaxed and refreshed as she headed to the suite Nate had booked and put herself into his stylist Patricia’s capable hands.

Although Mia had watched Ivy get ready for dozens of award shows and thought she knew what to expect, when she saw her dress for the first time she nearly started to cry.

“That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Patricia smiled at her and Mia wondered what she must be thinking of this silly girl Nate had asked her to dress for the event.

“I’m glad you like it. When Nate described you to me, I knew immediately this dress would be perfect for you. There’s so much going on with the wildflower print that I think we should keep your styling simple.”

Patricia directed the hairdresser to sweep her hair back into a sleek bun. A smoky eye shadow and rose lipstick accentuated Mia’s features. By the time they were done even Mia believed she looked presentable enough for the red carpet. Not that she would be walking with Nate. She’d put her foot down on that score. He had his bandmates to speak for him. Her appearance at his side would only lead the media to ask questions.

“You look fantastic,” Patricia said as Mia finished slipping into sparkling sandals and straightened so the stylist could assess her total look. “I know several stars who would kill to have that cleavage.”

Mia’s fingers coasted over her still-flat belly as she stared at herself in the mirror. The neckline of the gown plunged to her waist, yet somehow managed to look elegant rather than sexy. Mia guessed it was due to the delicate sprays of sequin-accented wildflowers that covered the skirt and halter-style top.

“I’m pretty sure I’ll never wear anything so beautiful again.” The dress fit as if it had been made for her and had required only a few minor alterations

. “What time does it turn into fairy dust?”

Patricia laughed. “So I’m your fairy godmother?”

“You had to work some serious magic to get me looking this good.”

“You underestimate how beautiful you are. I suppose it’s hard to feel pretty when you’re constantly comparing yourself to Ivy Bliss.”