Seeing that Ivy was utterly absorbed in the DJ, Nate caught Mia by the arm and drew her away.

“Where are we going?” she asked, as he guided her toward the stairs once more.

“Somewhere I can put my hands all over you.”

“I really shouldn’t be gone for very long.”

“Hunter will keep her busy. Let’s you and I find a private spot and make out.”

She glanced back over her shoulder. “Twenty minutes. No more.”

He could definitely work with that. Nate led her through the club to a discreet door that opened into a nondescript hallway. Mia blinked in the sudden brightness of the florescent lighting.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere we won’t be interrupted.” He pulled out his phone and shot Kyle a quick text, warning his business partner that he was going to use Trent’s office for a private meeting and didn’t want to be disturbed.

While Nate had mentioned to Kyle that he was seeing someone, he hadn’t revealed that it was Mia. It wasn’t that Nate was keeping her a secret—Melody and Trent knew—but the friendship between the two men was strained because of what was happening between Kyle and Melody.

Nate hadn’t exactly taken sides, but Melody was one of his favorite people and she wasn’t the one behaving like an idiot. The way Kyle had reacted after her New York club incident with Hunter made Nate feel less than friendly toward his business partner.

Relationships weren’t always easy—Nate could attest to that with what was going on between him and Mia—but when you loved someone, you should trust them. And from what he was seeing of Kyle, the guy was worrying more about guarding his heart than opening it to Melody.

And that was the last thought Nate intended to have on that subject for the next hour. He ushered Mia in and closed and locked the door to Trent’s office, sealing them inside the space. He didn’t bother to turn on the overhead lights. One wall of floor-to-ceiling monitors, tuned to various locations around the club, provided enough light to highlight the wet bar, Trent’s neat desk and, most important for Nate’s purposes, a comfortable couch.

“Now that you have me here,” Mia said, dropping her purse on an end table, “what do you plan to do?”

Was she kidding? He swooped her into his arms and deposited her on the couch. His lips found hers even as her fingers skimmed his suit coat off his shoulders. Fortunately, he wasn’t wearing a tie and she was making quick work of the buttons on his dark gray shirt. He barely restrained a groan as her palms slid over his abs and skated around to his back.

As much as he enjoyed that her skill as a translator kept her at his side, he really wanted his voice back so he could tell her all the delicious, wicked things he intended to do to her. Although he could easily spend the near future indulging in one slow, drugging kiss after another, he was afraid they might interrupted by yet another summons from Ivy.

He kissed his way down her neck and across her shoulder. The dress she wore zipped up the back and he cursed himself for not taking it off her before he got her onto the couch. He slid his hand up her bare thigh, hearing her gasp as he hooked his fingertips into her panties and gave a tug. With a little help from her, he got her underwear off. Then she eased the hem of her dress upward until she’d exposed her lower half.

Smiling at the gorgeous picture she made, Nate settled his shoulders between her thighs and pressed his mouth against her. Everything about the moment was perfect, from the way she tasted to the sweet, mewling sounds of pleasure that escaped her lips as he pushed her to the edge of desire and held her there.

She clutched and released his hair as her thighs began to tremble and her back arched. She sighed his name on a ragged breath as he slid two fingers inside her and made her climax. Her hips lifted as she came, body tensing as her release crashed over her. As always he marveled at the power and duration of her orgasm. The only thing he enjoyed more than watching her come was being with her when it happened.

Mia went limp beneath him. “That was” She panted. “Give me a second and I’ll return the favor.”

Nate grinned as he stripped off his clothes, slipped on a condom and returned to the couch. Mia had been watching him the whole time, grinning like a satisfied cat.

“You are gorgeous, do you know that?” she murmured as he lay flat on his back and repositioned her so that she straddled him.

“So are you, but I like you better naked.” He reached behind her and managed to unzip her dress. In seconds it was on the floor. Her bra followed. He traced her breasts with his fingertips and smiled. “Much better.”

She lifted her hips and closed her hand around his erection. Nate hissed between his teeth, but before he could react further, she’d settled herself over him. While stars exploded in his vision, Mia leaned forward and kissed him, with such tenderness Nate’s heart nearly stopped.

“No,” she corrected him, sucking his lower lip between her teeth. “This is much better.”

“I stand corrected.”

With a husky laugh, she began to move. And suddenly they had no further need for words.


Five days following that epic night with Nate at Club T’s, Mia decided she couldn’t put off taking a pregnancy test any longer. While it wasn’t unusual for her to miss an occasional period due to stress, or if she was doing a lot of traveling with Ivy, it was over two months since that night in Sydney and time she pulled her head out of the sand.

Part of Mia recognized the old adage that what you don’t know can’t hurt you. Until she took the test, she didn’t have to think about the future. But each day she delayed, the worry consumed her more, and she couldn’t decide if her que