“Trent brought in auditors to look over the books. There was some embezzling on top of everything else. Hopefully, within the next six months everything will get straightened out and people will be paid what they’re owed.”

The waiter brought the wine, and as it was being poured, Trent and Savannah arrived at the table. Quick introductions were made and the newly engaged couple sat down.

“You two are early,” Trent said, his gaze sliding between Nate and Mia.

“They didn’t have a baby to get ready for bed,” Savannah said.

“How is your throat?” Trent asked. “Are you speaking yet?”

Nate shook his head and glanced at Mia.

“I’m his voice.”

Savannah’s eyes widened. “How does that work?”

Nate demonstrated. “I want to lick every inch of your body.”

“He just said you look lovely and asked how your son is.”

“I don’t think that’s what he said.” Savannah laughed. “You just turned bright red. Did he say something naughty?”

Trent cocked his head and regarded his smirking business partner. “So are you two...?”

“Lovers?” He nodded.


Nate had little trouble conveying his feelings on that situation. “Not at the moment.”

Savannah grinned. “This feels a little bit like watching a silent movie without subtitles.”

“We’re being rude,” Mia said, shooting Nate a severe look.

“Tell them the truth. It won’t go anywhere.”

She gave a big sigh. “Nate and I became romantically involved while on tour, but nobody knows that.”

“Because?” Savannah prompted.

Nate began to sign, but Mia ignored him. “I work for my sister and she wouldn’t be happy if I was dating Nate.”

“Because?” It was Trent who prompted this time.

Mia looked as if she wished the floor would open up and swallow her. “My sister can be a bit needy.”

The sign Nate made needed no translation.

“So you’re not allowed to date?” Savannah asked. “That seems a bit much.”

“It’s not that I can’t date.” Although from what she’d told Nate, her sister had a knack for ruining every chance at romance that came Mia’s way. “It’s more that I don’t have much time for a life outside my work.”

“Mia is a fantastic songwriter. I found out on tour that she wrote all the songs Ivy claimed to have written from her first two albums.” Nate finished signing and gave her a hard look until she translated his words.

Trent gave her an equally hard look as he listened, but there was regret in there, as well. “You weren’t given credit? How did that happen?”

“I don’t know,” Mia said. “When the first albums came out I wasn’t mentioned at all. When I asked my dad about it, he said it was a group decision. They thought it looked better if Ivy was writing her own music instead of some nobody.”

From the throb in Mia’s voice, the slight continued to pain her.