“Let’s give it a try,” Mia translated for Nate.

“Now?” Ivy’s eyes widened. She hadn’t come prepared to record anything. Usually she took weeks and weeks to rehearse a song before she entered the studio. Not only was she a perfectionist, she hated looking foolish.

“Let’s see what we can do.”

“I don’t know the song.”

“We’ll take it slow.”

When Mia repeated what Nate had signed, Ivy shot daggers at her. Mia recognized that Ivy wanted her to speak up on her behalf, but a thousand trifling slights and mistreatments held Mia’s tongue. Ivy had claimed Mia’s songs as her own on the last two albums and now she wanted a new sound. This was it. Mia glanced between her father and Nate while the tension built in the room.

Finally, after seeing that everyone expected her to agree, Ivy nodded reluctantly. “I’ll give it a try.”


Melody handed her the sheet music and Ivy shot Mia one last scowl before leaving the control booth for the recording studio. When Ivy stood in front of the mike, Nate cued a track and let the music play. Ivy listened for a while and then began to sing. Her vocals were soft and sexy like what she was used to performing and not at all what Nate was looking for.

He signed and cued the mike.

With a silent groan, Mia translated. “Don’t be afraid to let go. This is a girl telling a boy to really love her. Get in his face about it.”

Nate’s eyes were on her as she finished speaking. One corner of his mouth twitched as their eyes met.

Ivy started again. Mia could tell her sister was tense and uncomfortable. At the halfway point of the song she quit. “This isn’t working.”

“I’m the producer. Why don’t you let me judge what is and isn’t going to work. Just sing,” Nate signed. Mia translated, painful reluctance in her voice.

She was going to pay for this later.


Nate almost felt sorry for Mia as she told her sister what he wanted. He understood the dynamic between them well enough to know that Mia was miserable relaying his suggestions for Ivy’s performance. And Ivy was equally unhappy to receive them. But it had to be good for Mia to be the one in command for a change, even if only by proxy.

And in truth, as the hour went on, Mia’s manner grew more confident and Ivy’s interpretation of Melody’s song evolved into what the songwriter had intended. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a start.

“That’s much better,” Mia translated. “Why don’t you come in here and listen to the playback.”

“How did it feel to boss your sister around?”

“I wasn’t. All I did was tell her what you said.”

“Not word for word.”

Mia rolled her eyes. “Did you want her to storm out or keep singing?”

“What are you two talking about?” Javier asked, breaking into their silent conversation.

“Sorry.” Mia shot her father a rueful look. “I’m use to signing with Eva and I forgot that Nate can hear.”

“Nice save.”

“Nate was just saying how happy he is to be working with such a talented singer.” Mia smiled in a way that dared Nate to argue.

As if he could. For all she caved to her sister’s domineering ways, Mia had spunk and backbone. During the next four weeks, Nate intended to figure out why she let Ivy push her around, and to do whatever it took to steal her away.

“I enjoyed kissing you earlier.”

Ivy entered the booth and sat beside her father on the couch.