This wasn’t what she was accustomed to. Usually she recorded all her demos using her laptop, alone in her room with a keyboard, synthesizer and a guitar. She was free to make mistakes, and stop and start if things didn’t work. She often danced around, as if that somehow could make the creative juices flow.

Nate was

watching her closely. “Okay?”

She gave a reluctant nod. While on tour, Mia had written several songs inspired by her growing feelings for Nate.

She sat down at the keyboard, but with Nate watching, her mind was blank.

“Can you maybe go sit over there?” She indicated a stool behind her. “You’re making me nervous.”

“Why? You’ve played your songs for me before.”

“That was messing around. This is your studio and you’ve kinda put me on the spot.”


With him out of her line of sight, the music came rushing back. Mia set her fingers on the keys and played a chord. The notes filled the space, a comfortable cushion for her emotions. She stopped worrying what Nate might think and just set her songs free.

They were two ballads. Some of her best work. Not only had her romance with Nate infused her lyrics with deeper emotion, his musical genius had encouraged her to innovate. To say she was proud of them was an understatement.

But the songs were too personal. Mia had been speaking the truth of her heart. And as she finished playing, she realized she’d written them for Nate. Suddenly, she was very glad Ivy wouldn’t record them. To hear her sister sing those lyrics before Mia had even come to terms with what they meant to her would have been awful.

As she turned to face Nate, she found herself holding her breath. His thoughtful expression gave her no clue to his opinion. At last she couldn’t take it anymore. “Well?”

“I’d like to run both of those past the guys. Free Fall might be interested in recording one or both.”

Mia couldn’t stop the tears that flooded her eyes. It was the nicest thing he could’ve said to her. Nate got to his feet and took several steps in her direction, but she waved him off.

“I’m fine.”

“I can’t guarantee anything.”

“I know.” She gave a shaky laugh and wiped moisture away from the corners of her eyes. “It’s just such a thrill that you’d even consider...” She trailed off and regarded him suspiciously. “This isn’t a bribe to get me to sleep with you, is it?”

His mouth popped open, but he caught himself just in time and signed instead. “If only I was that devious.” He headed for the door and motioned her out.

The last studio they entered was occupied by Melody and Ivy.

“How’s it going?” Mia translated for Nate.

“She likes this one.” Melody cued a demo. As her voice poured from the speakers, Melody caught Mia’s gaze and gave her head the smallest of shakes.

“I thought you were looking to take your next album in a new direction,” Nate signed. “That’s similar to what you did on your last two albums.”

“I don’t want to be too different. The fans have certain expectations.”

“What about ‘Love Me More’?”

Melody cued another song and Mia immediately saw where Nate was going with his suggestion.

An unhappy line formed between Ivy’s brows as the chorus started. Mia recognized the warning signs and glanced toward their father, but his expression was thoughtful.

“You’d kill this,” Melody agreed.

The song would take Ivy in a whole new direction. It was less sexually charged, more empowered and upbeat. Her sister had mad dance skills and enjoyed moving around the stage. Recording music like this would demonstrate that Ivy could do more than just pout and smolder as she sang.

Unfortunately, Ivy was comfortable pouting and smoldering, and as much as she claimed she wanted to grow as an artist, she retreated back into the same old tricks, where she felt safe.