Her grandfather had nailed what had happened between her and Ashton. “How did y

ou know?”

“You don’t think I’m this successful in business because I’m a lucky devil, do you?” Her grandfather offered her a crafty smile. “Did you ever wonder why, after you worked so hard to learn the business, I still went ahead and created the contest between you, Violet and Scarlett?”

Since her grandfather was laying his cards on the table, she might as well play hers, as well. “Because you weren’t sure I was the best choice?”

“I knew you were the best choice. I just wasn’t sure you knew it.”

Harper had little trouble following his logic. “I never really believed I was going to be CEO. I wanted it very badly and worked hard to make sure you approved of me.”

“I more than approve of you, Harper. I want you to succeed me.”

She had to state the obvious even though it exemplified the lack of confidence her grandfather had just criticized about her. “I’m the only one left standing as far as the contest goes. Scarlett has returned to acting part-time. Violet intends to stay in Las Vegas with JT.”

“And what do you want?”

His question surprised her. “To be CEO.” But she was not as confident as she’d been a month earlier.

“Do you?”

A better lead-in to what she had to confess wasn’t going to present itself. “A week ago you asked me what I was doing in Africa.” She gathered a steadying breath and tried to calm her agitated pulse. “The truth is, I went looking for my father. My biological father.”

Now that she’d made her shocking revelation, she braced herself for her grandfather’s outrage. When he continued to eat his steak without reacting, she frowned.

“Why aren’t you asking me anything?”

“Did you find him?”



“What do you mean, and?”

“I’m assuming you didn’t travel that far without some idea of what you expected out of the encounter.” He gave her more credit than was due. “Was he pleased to meet you?”

“Not really.” She set her fork down and picked up her wine. “He had no idea I existed.”

“Your mother never contacted him.” A statement. Not a question.

“Why are you so calm about this?” And then it dawned on her. “You knew about my mother’s affair and the fact that I wasn’t your biological granddaughter.”


“You never told me.”

“Why should I? You’re my granddaughter.”

“Not by blood.”

“I love you, Harper. You have been my joy for every single one of your twenty-nine years.”

“I had no idea you’d feel that way. You went to such lengths to find Violet and Scarlett and make them part of the business. I worried that you didn’t have faith in my ability to succeed you.”

“Scarlett was unhappy in Los Angeles and her career was sinking fast. What she lacked in business experience she made up for in intelligence and people savvy. Violet deserved better than Tiberius Stone’s small-time casino. She knows Las Vegas inside and out and it shows. Her hotel is the most profitable of all three.” He grinned. “You’re surprised.”

She really wasn’t. “Would you have picked her if she hadn’t taken herself out of the running?”