“Something local. It’s quite good.” Her brain still wasn’t functioning properly. She continued to stare at him in amazement. With his arrival, being in South Africa had taken on a whole new joy. “Shouldn’t you be in Las Vegas preparing for Batouri’s opening?”

“I spoke with Cole an hour ago. He arrived in Vegas and has everything running smoothly. Tell me about your visit so far.”

Concern for what might be going wrong with the opening buzzed in the back of her mind, but she’d made the decision to abandon her post at this critical time and had to trust that Ashton knew what he was doing, too. “You called Giles to tell him I was coming. How did you know I would?”

“Since you usually have everything planned to the second and hadn’t yet booked a hotel, I knew you’d be open to my recommendation.” He paused a beat. “And you trust me.”

The knowing glint in his gaze made her cross. Harper picked up her wine and took a sip. “Your meeting in New York must have gone your way for you to be here right now.”

“Actually, it went rather poorly.” He signaled the waitress. “They want me to cut my hair. I told them to go to hell.”

While he ordered wine for himself and a melted cheese bowl appetizer, Harper narrowed her eyes and tried to picture him without his wayward, sun-streaked locks. With his dimples and sparkling blue eyes it didn’t really matter what the producers did to try and make him look more civilized. In his heart, he was always going to be a reckless adventurer. That they were trying to change him was idiotic. Didn’t they understand that was the basis of his charm?

“And instead of returning to Las Vegas where your restaurant is opening in a week you decided to come here?” Did he expect her to be glad to see him? Which she was.

“I didn’t think you were ready to fly solo.”

“You think I need a babysitter.”

He radiated innocence. “Did I say that?”

“You’ve spoken with Giles.”

“He called me before my flight left.”

“He told you, didn’t he?”

“Told me what?”

She didn’t believe his casualness for a second. “That I was mugged on the train.” When he didn’t react with shock and concern, she knew her suspicions had been right. “I suppose you think I was foolish for coming here alone.”

“Not at all. This is a very safe country for tourists. The same thing could have happened to you in New York or Las Vegas. I’m sorry you were attacked and I’m angry with myself for not coming with you.”

His words stirred up the emotional tornado she’d been caught in all week. A tear formed in the corner of her eye. She dashed it away. “You had important things to do.”

“None of them are more important than you.”

It was a huge admission for her to hear, and she wondered how he’d react if she told him that she was falling in love with him. Better not. She was feeling too vulnerable and he’d already confessed that he didn’t want her depending on him. If she harnessed him with the burden of her growing attachment, he might turn right around and get back on a plane. And she very badly needed him. She’d just have to keep letting him think she didn’t.

“Because you aren’t free to pursue another project until Batouri is opened and I’m satisfied that your end of our arrangement is complete?” It hurt to see shadows overcome the bright blue of his gaze.

His wine arrived at the same time as the food, interrupting the silence that hung between them. Harper focused on putting the goat cheese and roasted tomato bruschetta mixture on a slice of toasted baguette.

“When are you planning on going to the embassy about getting a new passport?”

“My assistant overnighted my documents. I’ll go when they get here.”

“And in the meantime? Have you had any luck locating the man you believe is your father?”

“His name is Greg LeDay. He left this morning for Kruger National Park. The safari he’s leading was booked and I couldn’t get in. He won’t be back in town for ten days. I can’t wait around that long.” She gave him a sheepish smile. “Seems my first impulsive adventure is a complete disaster.”

“Adventure is immune to disaster.” Ashton pointed at her with the knife he’d been using to smooth cheese on his bread. “There may be setbacks and detours, but often those are what send you in a new and exciting direction.”

His optimism was contagious. “See, this is

why I’m such a fan.” She couldn’t help but be drawn in by his enthusiasm. “You have a knack for transforming the challenges into opportunities.”

“Words to put on my tombstone.”