“You thrived in situations that would terrify most people. Every episode contained an edge of danger that kept me glued to the TV.”

“As much as I enjoyed doing the show, I’m looking to change my image. Go more mainstream.” He rolled away from her and sat with his legs hanging off the side of the bed, his back toward her. “The network is going to push it hard. My popularity will skyrocket. It’s what I’ve been working for.”

“And all this time I thought it was the joy of food that motivated you.” If he hoped to find legitimacy in success, how high did his star have to rise before he could be at peace with what he’d done to survive?

“More viewers means my culinary point of view reaches more people.”

With their earlier rapport slipping away, Harper left the bed and slipped into a pair of leggings and a sweater. She handed Ashton his clothes and waited in silence while he put them on. Then she drew him out onto the deck and stood beside him near the rail, looking out over the river.

Surrounded by the night sounds it was easy to feel one with the bush. For several minutes they listened without speaking. One call was repeated several times, causing Harper to break the quiet.

“What is that?”

“A baboon sounding an alarm. Probably because of the leopard we heard earlier.”

You were right when you said we’re the sum of our experiences. The things that you’ve been through had a profound effect on the man you’ve become. If you’d stayed with your parents you wouldn’t resent them any less, but your strength of will might never have been tested and you might never have discovered the heights of your courage.” Harper paused to let her words sink in. “But I’m right, too. You inherited their generosity of spirit and desire to help those less fortunate. How many thousands of people have been helped through the foundations you promote?”

“I’m nothing more than a spokesman. I don’t tangibly help anyone.”

“What about Dae? You saved him from going to prison for something he didn’t do and taught him how to cook. Someday he’ll run one of your restaurants. How far is that from where he started?”

Ashton bumped his shoulder against her, forcing her to step to the side in order to maintain her balance. His fingers snaked around her waist and pulled her against his side. “This was supposed to be your journey to self-discovery, not mine.”

“Ironic, isn’t it?” Suddenly she felt a weight lift off her shoulders. “You know what? I don’t care about the man who impregnated my mother. He doesn’t want to be anyone’s father. Why should I take that personally and cry about it?” She gripped the railing hard. “I need to worry about me.”

“So, you’ve decided what to do when you get home?”

“I’m going to do what everyone expects of me and keep my mother’s secret. I came to South Africa in search of who I am. Now I know. I’m Harper Fontaine. Future CEO of Fontaine Hotels and Resorts. I’ve worked my whole life to run the company. I don’t know who else to be.”

“And that’s all you need to make you happy in the long run?”

“It’s been my goal since I was five, so, achieving it will bring me great satisfaction.”

“I hope you’re right.”


Harper woke to an empty bed and a heavy heart. From the light outside she gathered it was a few hours after sunrise. She sat up and glanced around the tent, but from the room’s low energy level, she could tell Ashton wasn’t nearby. Flopping back onto the pillows, she closed her eyes and willed herself to stop feeling so vulnerable and out of sorts. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t endured setbacks in her life before. Failure was a necessary part of growing. But one emotional blow after the other had weakened her ability to recover swiftly.

Still, she did recover and an hour after waking, she was showered, dressed, packed and on her way to breakfast. That Ashton still hadn’t made an appearance didn’t bother her. He and Franco hadn’t spent much time together since they’d arrived. Ashton was probably with his old friend. Or maybe taking a walk along the river. There were several trails around the camp.

Harper was accustomed to spending a great deal of time alone. Being surrounded by staff wasn’t like sharing a bathroom and a bed with someone. The intimacy she’d enjoyed with Ashton these past few days had been pretty all-consuming. She wouldn’t blame him if he needed a break.

And she needed to get used to being without him. She had no illusions about their relationship. It was an interlude, similar to what her mother had enjoyed with LeDay. A break from routine. A wonderful adventure. Harper recognized that she couldn’t hold on to Ashton. His career took him all over the world. Hers kept her grounded in one place.

Except he was on the verge of doing a show that would keep him in New York for an extended period of time. They could be together if she accepted the job of Fontaine’s CEO. Unfortunately, he’d made her question if that was the best choice for her.

As she was finishing up her breakfast, Ashton found her. She didn’t ask him where he’d been and he didn’t volunteer the information. His mouth was set in a grim line as he sat down across from her and poured himself a cup of coffee from the silver pot on the table.

“Are you okay?” she asked, unable to shake the feeling that their magical trip was over.


“Have you eaten?”

“I had a little something earlier.” He sipped his coffee and stared past her. “I saw that you’re packed.”