Kicking off her sandals, she curled her toes into the thick area rug that covered the tent’s wood floor. After a slow spin to catalog their accommodations, she pulled Ashton toward her and dazzled him with a long, sexy kiss. “I’ve been in five-star hotels that weren’t as nice as this,” she murmured, leaning her cheek against his heaving chest. “It’s

the most perfect place I’ve ever seen.”

“I’m glad you approve.”

A knock sounded on the screen door. Ashton’s arms tightened around her briefly before he went to answer. It was a porter. He deposited their luggage inside the door and showed them the canvas flaps they could roll down over the wall of screen windows if the night grew too chilly. When he left, Harper turned to Ashton with a predatory smile and backed him up to the couch.

He ripped his navy Henley shirt over his head while her fingers plucked his belt loose and released the button that held his waistband closed. As she unzipped his pants, she used her free hand to shove him onto the couch. He landed with a soft bounce, and she climbed onto his lap, her knees sinking into the pale gold cushions on either side of his thighs.

With her fingers tangled in his hair, she sought his mouth with hers in an open, wet kiss that left no doubt about her intentions. He gave her all the passion she demanded, groaning deep in his chest as she rocked against his swollen erection, the brief contact satisfying neither of them. Her fingers stroked over his skin in hot, frantic movements. The feel of him brushing against where she needed him the most shot a bolt of the purest frustration through her.

Her hunger communicated itself to Ashton. He stripped off her T-shirt and popped the clasp of her bra, tossing both aside with a ragged exhale. Then his fingers cupped her bare breasts, kneading evocatively until her nipples pebbled against his palms. The thrumming in her blood grew more urgent.

She sucked on his lip and let his breath fill her. A growl greeted her ears as she eased her hand between their bodies and lifted him free of his confining clothes. Smiling, she nipped his neck and at the same time grasped his erection firmly and stroked from base to tip before putting her mouth down over him. His hips bucked. He let out a startled curse, and she chuckled.

“Damn.” He had no more words.

His head fell back against the cushion as she continued her slow, steady strokes. When she felt she had him completely beneath her spell, she slid his pants down his muscular thighs and tossed them aside. Naked, he lay half sprawled before her, a gorgeous powerful male who was all hers.

Quick as she could, Harper shimmied out of her pants and returned to her earlier position on the couch. Without opening his eyes, Ashton ran his hands over the curve of her hips and butt and down the back of her thighs. She gasped when his fingers dipped into the heat of her and stroked deep. Shuddering, she braced her hands against his shoulders and surrendered to the pleasure he gave.

He lifted her so he could fill his mouth with her breast. Harper wrapped her arms around his neck and gave a soft cry as he sucked hard. Pummeled by desire, she rode the waves of pleasure, each one a little stronger than the last.

“Ashton, I can’t wait any longer.”

He eased her down until she was poised over him. She was so wet that he slid inside her an inch without meaning to. He intended to savor the anticipation, let the hunger build, but he underestimated Harper’s passion. With a smile of sheer bliss she lowered herself onto his shaft, taking him deep. The perfection of her snug fit cradled him in a way that he’d never known before. Almost immediately, she began to move, her hips dancing in a seductive rhythm that slammed into his willpower and sent his lust into overdrive.

Digging his fingers into the soft flesh of her backside, he began to thrust in time with her movements. Her breasts swayed, hypnotically close to his face as she arched her back and surrendered to the pressure building inside her.

A soft keening escaped her parted lips as her skin flushed red. Ashton slowed his movements and deepened each thrust, watching her come apart. Her body bowed, muscles tensing as she climaxed. In this magical place he felt humbled by her vulnerability and her strength. She’d given him her all, held nothing back. She opened her eyes and locked gazes at him.

“That was incredible.” She licked her lips and puffed out a breath, then murmured, “Come for me.”

At her command, he renewed his drive toward orgasm. He pumped into her, distantly hearing her encouraging words. It was over faster than he would have liked. Her hands on his body, her inner muscles clenching to increase that amazing friction and her teeth on his earlobe sent him spiraling into one hell of a climax. He came for what seemed like forever. The pleasure of his release was almost painful in its intensity.

While the last spasms were fading he wrapped his arms around her slim form and buried his face in her neck. He drifted his fingertips over the bumps of her spine and waited for the hammering in his chest to slow. It hurt to breathe.

“You are amazing,” he said.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” She kissed his neck. “How long do we have until dinner?”

“A couple hours, I think.” Sucking in a lungful of her spicy scent, he closed his eyes and imprinted this moment forever on his soul. “But if I don’t eat until morning, I’ll be fine.”

“Won’t Franco wonder what happened to us?”

“Oh, he’ll know. He got a look at you while you stood beside the pool. And he’ll understand if my appetite this evening won’t be sated by food.”

She poked him in the ribs and made him grunt. “Is there a bathroom in this lovely tent or do we bathe in the river?”

“Only if you wish to meet a crocodile face-to-face.” He pushed aside damp strands of her hair and drifted his lips across her cheek, tasting the saltiness of her sweat. “There’s an outdoor shower.”

“I’m not sure I’m ready for that much adventure.”

“Then I won’t recommend the fried caterpillars Franco might have on the menu.”

Harper shuddered. “I’m sure you’ll tell me they’re delicious but I’m just going to have to take your word on that.”

“There should be a bathroom behind there with a slipper tub.” He pointed to the wall behind the wardrobe.