He’d prepared his sauces and assembled his ingredients through the afternoon so now it was just a matter of cooking the proteins and assembling the plates. Harper’s gaze followed his every move as he shifted between burners and oven. He worked in silence, concentrating on his process, but occasionally felt the pull of her rapt attention.

“Would you mind taking these out to the dining room?” He indicated two of the plates. “I’ll follow with the others in a minute.”

By the time he had the last of his dishes plated, she’d returned and grabbed three more entrées, leaving the rest for him. He left the kitchen and crossed the dining room to the same table they’d sat at earlier in the day. It was his favorite in the whole restaurant. Quiet, out of the way, but with the vantage of being able to see the whole room.

Candles in crystal holders sent light flickering through the medium-bodied, golden 2006 Chenin Blanc he’d chosen to pair with the sea bass and the truffle risotto. Harper’s eyes were bright with wonder as she surveyed their laden table and the assortment of wines he’d opened.

“I’m not sure how we’re supposed to eat and drink all this,” she said, sounding overwhelmed but delighted.

“It’s a buffet. Taste a little of each. Sample the wines. I chose a selection of African vintages for tonight. We’ll offer these as well as domestic and foreign.”

“I love that your heritage is the backbone of Batouri. When you first told me the name, you explained that the restaurant is named after a town in Africa, but I can’t remember where it was located. ”

“It’s in the East Province of Cameroon.”

“Why did you choose it?”

He didn’t think she’d like hearing the raw truth, but respected her enough to give her a doctored-up version. “I lived there for three years when I was a teenager.”

“It was your home, then.”

He poured her a glass of Pinotage. “Try the lamb. It’s marinated in yogurt, garlic, coriander seeds, ground cumin and onion.”

“Delicious,” she murmured, her eyes half closing as she savored the bite.

Ashton couldn’t tear his gaze from her face. Her open expression of pure sensual delight shot through him like a laser. Something came undone in his chest. He ached with the unraveling. The temptation to capture her lips with his, to share in her pleasure, swept through him. He reminded himself that a great deal of work had been involved in putting these dishes together. Work that would be for nothing if he acted on his impulse to make love to her right here and now.

He cleared his throat. “I’m glad you like it.” His voice had a rough edge as if he’d been cheering on his team in a World Cup final.

“Love would be a better word.” She sipped the wine and nodded. “This pairs very well with the lamb. What’s next?”

Her eagerness made him smile. “Try the duck confit with the Chardonnay.”

By the time she’d tasted the final dish, she wore a dreamy, satiated smile. He’d eaten little, preferring to watch her relish every bite. His gut took a hit every time she sighed in appreciation. It was foreplay unlike anything he’d ever known, and he was grateful for the experience.

“Everything was fantastic,” she said. “Put it all on the menu. Batouri will be the most sought after reservation in Las Vegas.”

He hoped she was right.

“I only have one dessert,” he said, watching her take another bite of the scallop crudo with blood orange, watercress and fennel. “I hope you’ve left room.”

“I’ll make room.”

He left her to fetch the dessert, bringing out only one plate since he doubted she had room for more than a bite or two. “It’s a spiced chestnut cake with orange confit.”

She accepted the dessert fork he handed her and dug in. “Oh, this is amazing. Are you tired of me telling you how wonderful you are?”

“That could never happen.” In fact, he hadn’t enjoyed her praise half as much as he’d been happy that his food had moved her to smile and laugh and groan in delight.

She shifted on the seat, turning her torso fully toward him. Taking his face between her hands, she compelled his gaze to hers. The candlelight picked out the amber flecks in her brown eyes, intensifying their compelling power. Slowly, deliberately, she leaned forward until their lips grazed in a dragonfly whisper of a kiss.

“You have an incredible gift. Thank you for sharing it with me tonight.”

There was only so much a man could take. Ashton tunneled his fingers into her hair and caught her mouth with a fervent moan of surrender. Greedy for the taste of her, he licked past her lips and was greeted by no resistance, no hesitation, only the delicious slide of her tongue against his.

The layered fruitiness of Chenin Blanc and spiced chestnut danced across his taste buds as Harper tilted her head and gave him deeper access to her mouth. He hadn’t realized just how ravenous he was until her arms went around his neck, and she pressed her breasts hard against his chest. Their breath combined in great heaving gasps as one kiss followed another. Drinking his fill of her soft lips seemed impossible. Each second that ticked by he wanted her more.

Dishes rattled on the table as they bumped against it. Distantly, Ashton considered the impracticality of their current location. He’d never be able to get her naked in such a confined space. And that’s how he intended she be when he made love to her. Not one inch of her slender frame was going to go unexplored by him. He’d lain awake too many nights imagining her flawless skin and how it would feel to slide his palms against its softness.