than the last. The man was nothing short of brilliant. She saw why he was having trouble settling on his menu. He had enough here for ten restaurants.

“Any one of these would be perfect. It’s too bad you can’t make them all.” She slid the notebook back toward him. “You should do a cookbook. One of the things your television show didn’t do was spotlight your talent.”

His eyes narrowed as he studied her. “I’ve missed cooking. It’s part of why I’m looking at doing a kitchen-based show for Lifestyle Network.”

Harper sighed. Because his other restaurants were critically well received and extremely profitable, she hadn’t been able to understand his lack of focus when it came to Batouri. Now she was beginning to realize it was a timing issue. He’d put his television career ahead of the restaurant at every turn. And now he was entertaining the idea of a new project. No wonder he was finding it too difficult to settle down and focus on the mundane details required to make the restaurant successful.

“We’ve come too far to change things now,” Harper began, determined to voice her concerns. “But I have to ask if you’re truly committed to making Batouri successful.”

“Of course.”

When she’d first approached him about the restaurant, she’d hoped they’d form a partnership. Blinded by her admiration for his talent, she hadn’t realized that Ashton liked to fly solo.

“It just seems as if your attention isn’t one hundred percent focused on this project.”

“I’m in negotiations for the next season of my show, but most of that is being handled by my manager. I’m committed to getting the restaurant up and running.”

She hoped that was true, but what was going to happen when this new show took off? He already had four other restaurants and The Culinary Wanderer. Now a new show?

“Will you have time to do both shows plus manage all your restaurants?”

“I’m not sure I’m going to be doing The Culinary Wanderer much longer.”

Disappointment raced through her. “You can’t stop.” What could possibly provide him the same thrill as filming in a country where travel was risky due to political upheaval or in remote locations that few outsiders bothered to visit? Playing it safe wasn’t Ashton’s first priority. “That show is wonderful.”

“I don’t want to stop,” he told her. “But it’s a sticking point in the negotiations for the new show. They want me to be exclusive to the Lifestyle Network.”

“Why exclusive?”

“They’re planning on promoting the hell out of the new show and the exposure will lead to bigger things.”

“And that’s what’s important to you?” Part of her recognized it was none of her business, but she couldn’t get enough of his travel show. She’d seen every episode at least three times. “I thought you loved traveling to out-of-the-way places and meeting new people.”

“I do.” He rubbed his temple with his palm. “It’s just that I’m looking for new challenges and this new show fits the bill.”

“You’re sure you can’t do both?”

“You were just asking me if I was going to have time.”

“That was before I realized you were going to stop doing The Culinary Wanderer.”

“Sorry to disappoint you.”

She wished she’d kept quiet. Badgering him with her concerns wasn’t constructive. He wasn’t a man she could control. In the past nine months she’d learned that lesson all too well.

“It’s none of my business. I just love your show.”

“Thank you.” Ashton put his hand over hers and squeezed gently. “I’ll make several dishes I’m on the fence about including on the menu. You offer your opinion and we’ll get everything finalized tonight.”

Harper knew it was an unnecessary exercise. No matter what she suggested, he would select his menu based on his preferences. But she appreciated his effort to put her mind at ease.


“Come back at eight?”

She slid from the booth. “See you then.”

As she exited the restaurant she glanced at her phone. She’d muted it before starting her conversation with Ashton, and now saw that she’d missed six calls and ten emails. Heaving a sigh, she lengthened her stride and headed for her office.