“You really don’t get it, do you?” Violet’s soft question resonated with compassion.

JT’s chest ached to the point where he couldn’t draw a full breath. “Get what?” he asked coldly.

“That I love you.”

* * *

“I’m sorry you said that,” JT told her, his voice low and flat.

Violet nodded. “I’m sure you are.”

He’d torn out her heart and thrown it at her feet, but Violet wasn’t about to let him think he’d won. His mask of indifference might have worked on her once upon a time, but she’d glimpsed his sensitivity. He’d rather be the most hated man on the planet than let people see his vulnerability.

Not that she was immune to what he’d told her. Stung by pain and disillusionment, he was going to isolate himself beyond anyone’s ability to reach him. In her heart, she knew that was the last thing he wanted. If she’d shown him anything, it was that being alone only made him miserable.

“I don’t think I’ll stay for dinner.” He stepped around her and put his hand on the doorknob.

“Before you go.” Violet headed to her home office where she found the file that had destroyed any hope of happiness for her or JT. She straightened the pages he’d disrupted while reading and closed the cover. In less than a minute she’d returned with his file and the one on his father. “You should take these with you.”

He looked ready to toss more angry words at her, but accepted the files in silence.

“If you need anything, just call,” she added as he opened the door and stepped into the hallway.

His back stiffened as if she’d cursed at him. “Goodbye, Violet.”

And then he was striding away, his long legs carrying him around the corner and out of sight. Only then did Violet turn into a puddle of shaking limbs and wracking sobs. She shut the door and slid onto the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees. Drawing a complete breath was impossible so she closed her eyes and let the storm roll over her. By the time she’d calmed enough to pick herself off the floor, half an hour had passed.

She stumbled into the living room and dropped onto the couch. Greeted by silence, she immediately grabbed her phone and texted her sisters.

I messed up. In my suite, could use some sympathetic company.

Harper was the first to respond. Bringing both red and white wine.

Scarlett texted a minute later. Got chocolate.

With a shaky smile Violet rubbed tears from her cheeks. How lucky she was to have two wonderful sisters who dropped everything in order to rush over to make her feel better. Fifteen minutes later, wearing sweats and feeling marginally calmer, Violet opened her door to admit Harper.

“Which one should we start with?” she quizzed holding both bottles out for inspection.

“Definitely the red,” Violet replied, knowing Scarlett would vote for that as well. She led the way into the kitchen to find the bottle opener.

“What’s with the uneaten dinner?” Harper quizzed.

“JT and I ended things before we had a chance to eat.”

“What?” Scarlett demanded from the living room, having come through the door to the hallway Violet had left open. “How is that possible? You two were doing great.” Scarlett came into the kitchen, and both her sisters stopped what they were doing.

Harper held up her hand as she took in Scarlett’s outfit. “Before we get to that, can you please tell me what you’re wearing?”

Scarlett looked surprised at the question. “It’s Princess Leia’s harem costume from The Empire Strikes Back.”

“Were you wearing that in the casino?” Violet quizzed, imagining the ruckus her sister must have caused among the male customers.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I wore it for Logan.”

Harper looked sorry she’d asked.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt your evening,” Violet said.