“Well, I do.”

Hearing the conviction in Violet’s tone, JT let the matter drop, recognizing the true source of his disquiet was not Violet or her sisters. He didn’t want to believe his father had stolen someone’s identity.

Because if his father wasn’t just greedy or ambitious, but despicable beyond belief, couldn’t that badness have been passed down to his son?

Wasn’t JT the reason his mother had died? He’d been acting out, defying her, and she’d died of an overdose. His adult brain could reason that she’d chosen to take the pills, but he was haunted by the question of whether she’d been so upset with him that she’d taken too many. And there was no denying if he’d come home straight after school that day, she might still be alive.

He stared at the information contained in the file about George Barnes and Preston Rhodes and wondered what the reporter from L.A. knew. “When were you planning to call this Charity Rimes person?”

“I thought it was something we should do together. Perhaps even go to Los Angeles and meet with her in person.” She shrugged. “Or we could drop it entirely. Like you said, it’s ridiculous that your father stole someone’s identity in 1970.”

Violet was too forthright to be able to hide her confusion or disappointment at his rejection of the information she’d brought him. Nor could JT point to where this surge of loyalty was coming from. What did he think he owed his father? Preston had never done anything with JT’s best interests in mind.

“Let me think about it,” JT muttered and Violet nodded, the gesture stiff and jerky.

Because if they discovered his father actually was George Barnes, JT would then have to decide if he should send his father to prison or simply use the information to blackmail Preston into stepping down? Neither appealed to JT. He’d much rather defeat his father the old-fashioned way: by being a better businessman.

* * *

Violet finished applying her makeup and checked her appearance in the bathroom mirror. She’d done an acceptable job of hiding the dark circles under her eyes caused by her sleepless night, but nothing could be done about the churning in her stomach.

Right after breakfast, JT had headed to the barn where he’d remained for the rest of the day. As difficult as it had been to give him space when her instincts demanded she make him feel better, she’d stayed in the house and hoped he would forgive her for delivering such a difficult message.

Her wait had been in vain. At three she’d discovered that JT had already left for Titanium. He’d gone to work without letting her know he was leaving. That meant she’d have to be patient for a little while longer and hope uncertainty wouldn’t eat her alive.

Instead of heading to Fontaine Chic where she knew a hundred decisions awaited her, Violet detoured to Scarlett’s hotel and tracked her sister down in the casino. Scarlett would be eager to learn how Violet’s conversation with JT had gone and Violet needed a sympathetic ear.

“I was right to fear that JT wouldn’t react well to Tiberius’s suspicions about Preston,” Violet said, as they wound their way past a hundred slot machines to a dessert bar on the second floor. “And I couldn’t blame him for being upset with me.”

“You did nothing wrong,” Scarlett reminded her.

“I feel as if I did. He was upset because you and Harper knew what was in the file and was worried you’d tell someone. He didn’t believe me when I told him you wouldn’t. I wish he trusted me.”

“I’m sure he does. Remember you’d just brought him shocking information about his father. No matter how strained their relationship or how badly he wants his dad to step down as CEO, Preston is still JT’s father.”

“Is it crazy that I’m afraid the progress we’ve made in our relationship has been dealt a deadly blow today?”

“Not crazy at all. But I do think you’re worrying for nothing.” Scarlett looped her arm through Violet’s and pulled her before a glass display case loaded with absolutely scrumptious-looking treats. “We’ll take one of those chocolate shells filled with white chocolate mousse and a hazelnut gelato-filled cream puff with Kahlua chocolate sauce,” Scarlett said to the counter person. Catching Violet staring at her in astonishment, Scarlett grinned. “What? Heartache calls for fancy desserts.”

Violet carried the tray of desserts to a table by the window that overlooked the extensive, beautifully landscaped grounds at the back of the hotel. Scarlett arrived seconds later with cups of espresso.

“I don’t know why I was so caught off guard by JT’s reaction.” Violet dug into the white chocolate mousse. “Barely two weeks ago we were little more than casual acquaintances and today I told him his father might be a criminal.”


sp; “Do you really think you two have ever been casual?” Scarlett asked. “You may not have been friends, but there was a strong pull between you. I saw it that night in Baccarat.”

“I’ve been attracted to him since the first time I saw him.”

“I’ll bet he felt the same way. Wouldn’t surprise me if Tiberius warned him off.”

“I’m sure the issue never came up.”

“So how did you two leave things?”

“JT is deciding if we should contact Charity Rimes.”

“What do you think he’ll do?”