“I don’t think you should,” Violet said at last.

Harper had the education and the business savvy to run Fontaine Resorts and Hotels, not to mention the ambition and a seemingly inexhaustible store of energy, and she’d spent her whole life preparing to run the family business. In the last five years Violet had learned enough about Harper’s character to guess she’d bow out of the contest to determine the next CEO.

A year ago Violet would have been excited at the prospect of moving into the lead. She had Harper’s ambition and drive, but of late she’d been thinking less about her career and more about her personal life. The transition had been subtle, but she suspected it had begun around the time JT started showing up at Baccarat.

As for Scarlett, the former child star had recently decided to return part-time to acting. Splitting her time and attention between L.A. and Las Vegas meant she’d already decided not to actively compete for the CEO position. Nor was Violet convinced Scarlett had ever truly given herself props for the work she’d done to make Fontaine Richesse the standout hotel it was.

Scarlett nodded somberly and returned the photos to the file. “It’s what I think, too. No good will come of telling her.”

With too many secrets weighing her down, Violet left Scarlett’s office and headed to her suite to find a dress to wear to her belated wedding reception. She’d been so preoccupied with the details for the party that she’d forgotten all about herself.

In the back of her closet was a pale pink chiffon dress embellished with blush and silver sequins on the bodice. Three years ago, she’d bought it to wear to a charity event that at the last minute she’d been unable to attend. Despite having spent a fortune on the dress and the matching pink slingbacks, Violet couldn’t bring herself to return the ensemble. She knew eventually she’d be attending a party where she could wear it. Her wedding reception fit the bill.

As she was exiting her suite, her gaze fell on the files Scarlett had given her. She hadn’t decided what to tell JT yet. He’d been through so much already. But she didn’t want to go behind his back on something as serious as his father stealing another man’s identity. Leaving JT’s file on her home office desk, she slipped Preston’s and the one containing information on Charity Rimes into her briefcase and exited the suite.


“You look gorgeous.” Impatient for a last minute alone with her, JT linked his fingers with Violet’s and tugged her toward the stairs. They had fifteen minutes until their guests were due to arrive.

“Is it silly that I’m nervous?” With her free hand, she smoothed her skirt and tugged at her neckline.

“Yes.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Everyone here tonight will be a friend. And I’ll be at your side the entire evening.”

To his gratification, she looked reassured. “And you’re sure I look okay?”

“You’re perfect.” He wasn’t accustomed to her lack of confidence and wondered how someone as beautiful and charming as Violet could doubt herself.

“Because the dress is three years old.”

“It looks brand-new.”

“That’s because it is. I’ve never worn it.”

The subtleties of a woman’s mind when it came to fashion were lost on JT. “Let’s go have a glass of champagne. I want to make a toast.”

He led her outside to the pool deck. Because of the number of guests who would be coming, they’d opted to open the living room’s glass walls so people could enjoy the night air. Tiny white lights decorated the palm trees and shrubs, adding a festive air. A bottle of champagne and two flutes awaited them in the outdoor seating area.

JT popped the cork and poured the sparkling liquid. He handed one to Violet and cleared his throat.

“To you. Thank you for marrying me. It’s been a long time since anyone has acted in my best interests instead of their own. Your optimism and knack for thinking outside the box have enabled me to shake loose the cobwebs and let in the sunlight. No matter what happens a month from now, I am ready for whatever the future brings.”

The toast was awkward and sappy, but Violet didn’t seem to notice. Her eyes remained riveted on him as he spoke. Her faith had given him wings. His father could throw every vile trick in the book his way and JT would let it all roll off him. It was impossible to convey the depth of his appreciation for all Violet had given him.

“I’m glad to hear you say that,” Violet told him, clinking her glass to his. “And I hope I can continue to make good things happen for you.”

“All I need is for you—”

“There’s the couple of the hour,” a man announced from the living room. It was Brent. He’d flown in from Charlotte earlier that day and was staying at Titanium.

Fighting back a sigh at the interruption, JT towed his wife to greet his cousin. After introductions were made, JT caught a subtle nod of approval from Brent and relaxed. His cousin’s opinion mattered. Everyone else could go to hell.

Shortly after Brent’s arrival, the floodgates opened and guests began to pour in. In addition to family and friends, they’d invited many business associates from Las Vegas.

Waitstaff circled with glasses of champagne and fancy hors d’oeuvres. With the help of her catering manager, Violet had organized the party within a week and the entire evening flowed without a hitch. And with each hour that passed, JT found himself a little more enthralled with his wife.

She charmed everyone with her quick laugh and positive outlook. He was glad the evening called for them to navigate the room as a couple, because he couldn’t bring himself to move more than an arm’s length away.

The floral scent she wore made his head spin with shameless thoughts of what he intended to do with her later. He had a hard time keeping his hands off her bare arms.