“I don’t recall seeing him in Tiberius’s files.”

JT held the passenger door open and gritted his teeth against the sweet seduction of her perfume as she brushed past him and slid into the car. Damn, but she was a tempting armful. Resisting the impulse to reprise last night’s kiss actually caused a dull ache in his gut. When he’d agreed to marry her, he’d underestimated just how challenging it would be to keep his hands to himself.

“He’s not.” After depositing their bags in the trunk, JT got behind the wheel and started the BMW. “I don’t know why Tiberius didn’t include him.”

The car picked up speed as he drove down his long driveway toward the highway and JT noticed that the airflow in the open convertible whipped Violet’s skirt into a frenzy of dancing flowers and bared a whole lot of lean, toned thigh. He daydreamed about sliding his hands along the soft, smooth length of her leg and finding her hot and wet and eager for him. It wasn’t until a truck flashed past on a perpendicular course that he realized they’d reached the end of his driveway. JT slammed on his brakes and the BMW skidded to a halt.

“Are you okay?” he asked, glancing her way.

She regarded him curiously. “I’m fine. Are you?”

Not even close. “I think we’ll be more comfortable with the top up.” He hit the button that raised the convertible top and while it was closing, stared at his grandfather’s ring on his left hand.

Yeah, staying as far from her as possible for the next couple months was the only way he was going to survive this marriage with his heart intact.

On the thirty-minute ride to Las Vegas, he kept his eyes to himself and his thoughts on the trip ahead. Violet seemed to understand his need to plan because she kept her gaze on the passing landscape, only occasionally glancing down at her ever-vibrating smartphone.

Finally, JT had to ask, “Is it always this way for you?”

“I’m sorry?” She blinked as if she had a hard time refocusing her attention on him.

“Your phone. It’s been going off non-stop since we got in the car.”

A wry smile curved her lips. “It’s my sisters. I’m not usually off the grid for twelve hours.”

Envy stabbed at JT. What would it be like to have someone fret about your wellbeing? Nice? Smothering? “They must be worried about you. Why don’t you answer them?”

“I sent them a text last night. They know I’m safe.” Her smile developed sharp edges. “I told them I was with you.”

JT ignored the way his pulse leapt at the challenge in her manner. She would take any opening he gave her to provoke him; what she didn’t realize was that once unleashed, his emotions would overwhelm them both.

“Did you explain that we got married?”

“I didn’t want to do that in a text.”

“Then what do they think you are doing with me?” His body tensed, but the sensation was pleasurable rather than distressing.

“Probably what most of the women do when they spend the night at your house.”

Damn her sass. “Why would you w

ant your sisters to think we slept together?”

She didn’t answer him immediately, and when she did speak, all amusement had fled her voice. “I suppose that’s something else we should discuss.”

“Aren’t we already discussing it?” Her change of topic made him feel as if he was spinning in place.

“Do you intend to bring women home while we’re married?”

Her question sparked a ridiculous urge to snatch her into his arms and kiss her silly. He wasn’t allowed to make love to her, but she didn’t want him having sex with anyone else? “I hadn’t really thought about it.”

“I know our marriage isn’t real, but I’d appreciate it if you could refrain from dating other women until we can get divorced.”

“I think I can last a couple months.”

“What if you can’t get the shares or the votes you need in time for the annual stockholders’ meeting?”

“What are you asking?”