“That might have been a good idea.”

Scarlett tried to stay calm as she was caught in the riptide of Logan’s growing annoyance. “I told him she was going to college this fall. I’m sure he didn’t expect her to change her plans because he told her to look him up.”

“There must have been more to it.”

“I’ll call her tomorrow and get her back on the path to college.”

“I’d really appreciate that.”

“My pleasure.

“Maybe she’s just impatient to start living her dream,” Scarlett suggested. “I certainly don’t blame the girl for going after what she wants.”

Placing her palm on Logan’s chest, she set her chin on her hand and scrutinized him. What was it about this often difficult, sometimes surprising and always sexy man that turned her insides into mush? They were at odds as much as they were in accord, but whether they were arguing or making love, he always made her feel as if being with her was exactly where he wanted to be.

And for that matter, what did he find appealing about her? He was scornful of her lack of a college education. Disparaging about her former occupation. Critical of her wardrobe, her abilities as a businesswoman and the way she used her sexuality to her advantage.

Granted, the chemistry between them was off the charts, but she was pretty sure she wasn’t just a conquest. No, there was someth

ing more between them than fantastic sex, but she had no idea what.

“I’ll tell you what,” she said into the silence. “I’ll talk to her tomorrow and get her back on the college track. Will that make you happy?”

“Are you sure you can do that?”

She had absolutely no clue. “Haven’t I been doing a great job so far?” She acknowledged his skepticism with a wry smile. “Up until yesterday, I mean?”

“You have.”

“Grudging praise from Logan Wolfe? I’m thrilled.”

With a humph, he deposited a brief kiss on her mouth and began rolling toward the side of the bed where he’d left his clothes.

“Do you have to go?” Scarlett flopped onto her stomach and kicked her legs slowly in the air. As if drawn by a force too powerful to resist, his gaze swept over her disheveled hair and toured her naked backside. She knew exactly how appetizing she looked lying there and thrust out her lower lip in a provocative pout. “If you stay the night I’ll make it worth your while.”

Logan paused with his boxers in one hand, his shirt in the other. “How?”

“Let’s see.” She tapped her chin with a finger. “I can cook you breakfast.”

“You mean order room service.”

“I’ll listen with interest as you tell me all about your work.”

“You’d be snoring in five minutes.”

“I don’t snore.” She pursed her lips and frowned as if in deep thought. “There’s always morning sex.” At last she’d found something to pique his interest. “I’m very energetic after a good night’s sleep.”

He dropped his clothes and rolled her onto her back. “How are you after no sleep at all?”

“Try me,” she dared, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. “And find out.”


“See,” Scarlett murmured, sounding sleepy and smug. “I told you morning sex was worth sticking around for.”

Logan slipped a hand along her delicate spine as she set her cheek against his heaving chest. He soothed a strand of dark hair off her damp forehead and deposited a kiss just above her brow.

“I never doubted you for a second.” Logan rolled her onto her back and kissed her slow and long.