She lifted herself onto one elbow and twirled a lock of her hair as she watched him shuck off his shirt and send his pants to the floor. She gave him a sultry, heavy-lidded look as she waited for him to join her.


nbsp; He trailed his fingertips up her thigh and felt her shudder as his thumb whisked along the edge of her panties. With a half smile, he used his hands to memorize each rise and dip of her body. No matter how many times he touched her, he found something new to fascinate him. With her full breasts and hourglass shape, she was built for seduction, but as he’d discovered the first time he’d made love with her, she had a romantic’s soul.

Taking her hand, he kissed the inside of her wrist, lips lingering over her madly beating pulse. He’d cataloged about a hundred ultrasensitive areas on her body and enjoyed revisiting them each time they made love. The inside of her elbow was mildly ticklish and she loved being lightly caressed on her arms. He did so now and was rewarded when she uttered a little hum of delight, her version of a purr.

It had taken her a bit to realize he wasn’t going to rush the sex between them. Even when they were both too caught up in their passion to enjoy extended foreplay, he made certain to arouse her with words as well as hands and mouth.

He leaned forward to kiss her mouth, pressing her back against the pillows. She melted against him, soft curves yielding to all his hard planes. They kissed long and slow, enjoying the blending of their breath, the feint and retreat of tongues. Logan slipped his hands beneath her and rolled them a half turn so she sat astride him.

She lifted her hair off her shoulders, arching her back and tilting her breasts toward the ceiling. Her movements were measured and graceful like a cat indulging in a languid stretch after rising. The flow of muscle beneath her soft skin mesmerized him. He ran his hands over her rib cage, riding their waves upward until he reached the lower curve of her breasts. Through half-closed eyes she watched him cup her breasts through the black lace and gently massage.

Reaching behind her, she popped the bra clasp and the fabric sagged into his hands. He tossed it aside and traced the shape of her breasts with his fingertips. He circled the tight nipples, noticing that she rocked her hips in time with his caresses, easing the ache he inflicted on her.

His erection bobbed with her movements, the sensitive head scraping against her lace-covered backside and aggravating his already ravenous hunger. As much as he yearned to seat himself inside her, the pleasure he received from watching her desire build made the wait worthwhile.

Noticing his eyes upon her, Scarlett shook her head, her hair cascading about her shoulders in riotous waves. Some of it fell forward over her face and she peeked at him from between the strands, her eyes beckoning. Setting her hand on his chest, she bent forward and planted a lusty, openmouthed kiss on him, showing her delight in the moment with a deep thrust of her tongue.

Logan filled his hands with her firm backside.

“Let’s get these off you, shall we?”

“Please do.”

Working together, they slid her panties down her thighs. As he tossed them aside, she produced a condom and used her teeth to tear open the package. Logan braced for the wonderful pain of what would come next and locked his jaw as she fitted the protection over the head of his erection, and with a thoroughness that was both a torment and a treat, rolled it down his shaft. A groan ripped from his throat as she finished, but she gave him no chance to recover before settling herself onto him.

The shock of being encased in so much heat so suddenly made his hips buck. She rode his movement with a faraway smile and a rotation of her pelvis.

“Geez, Scarlett,” he muttered, wiping sweat from his brow. “Warn a guy.”

“What’s the fun in that?”

And fun is what she was having. Letting her do whatever she wanted with him was almost as entertaining as making her squirm. Half his delight came from watching her explore his chest and abs while maintaining that delightful rhythm with her hips. She was a living, breathing goddess and Logan couldn’t take his eyes off her.

But the chemistry between them had a mind of its own and soon they were both swept into a frenzy of movement where each surge pushed them closer to the edge. Wanting to watch her come, Logan slipped his hands between them and touched the button of nerves that would send her spinning into the abyss. Her eyes shot wide, signaling the beginning of her orgasm. She clenched him tight, increasing the friction, and he pitched into the black, spinning in a vortex of pleasure so intense it hurt.

With a whoosh of air from her lungs, she collapsed forward and buried her face in his neck. Logan didn’t have enough breath to voice his appreciation of what had just happened, so he settled for a firm hug and a clumsy kiss on her shoulder.

His heart rate took a long time returning to normal. The way she affected him, Logan wasn’t surprised. Since that first kiss in the elevator, she’d shattered his serenity and caused him to reevaluate what made him happy. For a long time he’d resisted accepting how much he needed her. Today, he stopped fighting.

And now she was all his.

“I’m going to make damn sure you don’t regret turning down the part,” he told her, gliding his fingertips along her soft skin.

She laughed breathlessly. “I like the sound of that. Can we start now?”

He snagged her questing fingers and returned them to his chest. “I can’t stay. I promised Madison that when I got back we’d talk about her moving to L.A.”

“What?” Scarlett made the leap from languid to outraged in an eye blink. She pushed herself up so she could meet his gaze. “But yesterday she was talking about college.”

Logan approved of her irritation. It matched his own. “Apparently that changed after she met your producer friend and Chase Reynolds.”

Her face shuttered. “Bobby is a man who makes things happen and Chase is larger than life. I can see how they could’ve reawakened her dreams of going to L.A., but she and I talked about how important college was to your family. She agreed to get her degree and afterward, if she was still determined to be an actress, to then go to L.A.”

“Apparently Bobby gave her his card and told her to look him up.” Logan recalled the rest of what his niece had said. “She believed since you were returning to your acting career that you would offer her a place to stay.”

A pained expression twisted Scarlett’s features. “I’m sorry she got the wrong impression of what I intended to do. As for Bobby, I know he really liked her,” she admitted in a low voice. “Even told me he might have a part for her in an upcoming TV series. I told him not to mention anything about it to her. I guess I should have been clearer and told him not to give her any encouragement at all.”