“Makes a good motive.”

It certainly did. Perhaps it was time to let the police know what they’d discovered.

* * *

As Logan was turning into his driveway, his cell rang. It was Scarlett.

“Logan, you won’t believe what Grady and I found in Tiberius’s files.” She sounded both exhilarated and anxious. “We might have figured out who killed him.”

Logan entered his house and made a beeline for Madison’s room. Earlier that afternoon his sister had called. Madison hadn’t done as he’d asked and called her parents. Nor was she answering her phone. Giving her the summer to change her mind about college wasn’t working. It was time for her to go home.

“The police already have a suspect in custody. A detective buddy of mine has been keeping me updated on the case and he called to tell me that a little after noon today.”

Madison’s bedroom had an empty, unlived-in feel. No clothes cluttered the chair by the window. The dresser wasn’t littered with jewelry and cosmetics. Even as he crossed to the closet, his instinct told him what he’d find. Nothing. His niece was gone.

“Are they sure they have the right guy?” Scarlett’s doubt came through loud and clear.

“Positive.” Cursing, he retraced his steps down the hall and found a folded piece of paper on the breakfast bar. “He confessed that he was hired by Councilman Scott Worth to silence Tiberius and get a hold of some documents that proved he was embezzling campaign contributions.”

“That’s what he stole from my suite?”

“And grabbed some other random files to hide his true purpose.”

Madison had taken off for L.A. again. No wonder she wasn’t answering her cell. What the hell was she thinking?

“Oh, well, good.” Scarlett sounded less enthusiastic than she should.

“Did you ever talk to Madison?” he asked.

“No. I was going to and then Grady called.” Scarlett sounded subdued. “Have you tried her cell?”

“She’s not answering. She took off for L.A.”

“No,” Scarlett assured him. “She wouldn’t do that. Not without talking to me first.”

“Well, she did.”

“Damn.” Worry vibrated through Scarlett’s tone. “I really thought I’d gotten through to her.”

“I think you did,” Logan said. “Only not about college. Ever since that producer friend of yours came into town, Madison has had nothing but stars in her eyes. And you didn’t do anything to dissuade her.” Even as he took his frustration out on her, Logan recognized it was unfair to blame Scarlett when he had a truckload of regrets at how he’d handled Madison yesterday. “Can you try her cell? Her mother and I aren’t having any luck getting her to pick up. Maybe she’ll answer for you.”

“Sure.” Her voice was neutral and polite. “And then I’ll call Bobby to see if he’s heard from her.”

“Is he trustworthy?”

“Absolutely. She won’t get into trouble with him.”

“What about the rest of the people she’s bound to meet?” His concern came out sounding like accusation.

Scarlett’s answer was slower in coming. “She’s a smart girl, Logan. She’ll be careful.”

“She’s ambitious and overly optimistic.”

“I told her in no uncertain terms how hard the business is,” Scarlett countered. “She isn’t as naive as you think.”

“She’s only eighteen.”

“I get that you’re worried about her, Logan.”