Tension clamped the back of Ramon’s neck. ‘There was a reason you called me yesterday,’ he warned softly. ‘Don’t forget that.’

Her chin took on a mulish tilt. ‘Are you saying this is a deal breaker?’


Her head jerked back a little. Then she sucked in a sharp breath, crossed to the window and presented him with a perfect view of her long legs, graceful back and slender neck. Her blonde hair was still confined in a tight twist, but a few silky strands had escaped, and he was surprised to see how curly they were. He let his gaze slide lower. She wore black trousers that accentuated the gentle flare of her hips and, yes, her backside was spectacular.

She spun to face him. ‘If I waive the unanimity requirement, I want something in return.’

He shifted his weight. ‘Go on.’

‘Grant my father an honorary position as chairman.’

He stared at her, his appreciation of her curves swiftly forgotten.

‘Plus a modest monthly allowance.’

His disbelief ballooned. Sharp on its heels came a surge of anger. ‘Your father’s actions have jeopardised the future of this club, and you want to reward him with an honorary role and an allowance?’

Was the woman a complete fool? Or simply too forgiving? The latter possibility incensed him. Forgiveness had to be earned, and some deeds didn’t deserve forgiveness. Some people didn’t deserve forgiveness. Ramon knew that better than most.

She crossed her arms. ‘My father can’t disappear from the club altogether. It will raise questions. At worst, suspicion. For appearance’s sake, he needs to maintain a presence, show his face occasionally.’

He gave her an assessing look. ‘So this is about the club. Not your father?’

‘Of course. The Royce needs stability. That’s all I care about right now.’

He nearly bought the act, but her tone was too lofty, her body language defensive. The idea of Emily caring about her father’s welfare after he’d risked her livelihood only deepened Ramon’s anger. Royce didn’t deserve his daughter’s lenience.

Yet she made a good point. The stability of the club and its membership was paramount.

Abruptly, he said, ‘An honorary position. No allowance.’

She pressed her lips together.

When she didn’t respond after a moment he warned quietly, ‘You need this deal, Emily.’

As did he.

She blew out a breath and closed her eyes. Finally, she looked at him again. ‘Fine. Unless you have any more surprises to spring?’

He thought about the accountant and decided the issue could wait. ‘No.’

To which she nodded wordlessly and strode from the room, giving him a very wide berth, he noted.


THE DOCUMENT FORMALISING the sale of Maxwell Royce’s fifty per cent shareholding in The Royce and a further one per cent of Emily Royce’s shares to the Vega Corporation was signed by all three parties at six twenty p.m. on Tuesday night.

It would have happened sooner, but Maxwell had taken almost two hours to reappear after Emily had called him on his mobile to summon him back.

He hadn’t been inebriated when he’d showed but the whisky fumes on his breath had been unmistakable. Ramon had snagged her eye as they’d congregated in the boardroom and she’d known from his hard expression that he too had detected the whiff of alcohol.

Emily’s heart had pounded as she’d signed her name to the agreement, and once the deed had been done she’d escaped as quickly as she could.

Except Maxwell had followed her out of the room, and when he’d called her name it’d felt wrong to ignore him.

‘The honorary role...’ he’d said, examining his shoes. ‘I don’t know what to say.’