I’M TREMBLING. I CAN HEAR the roar of blood rushing in my ears. My skin feels hot and cold at the same time, and my heart is hammering violently against my ribs. I can’t think, and I can’t stop looking at him.


He’s standing in the doorway, with the late afternoon sun spilling in behind him, framing his tall figure like some sort of godly aura.

My body reacts immediately, every inch of my skin drawn to him like he’s some sort of magnet. I want to go to him. I want to touch him. I want to hold on to him and never let go.

I close my eyes and force some air into my chest. I must be imagining things. There’s no way David is actually here, there’s just no way. I know that if I open my eyes, he won’t be standing at the door.

But he is, looking as unbelievably handsome as I remember. Every feature, from his thick, wavy black hair to his classic nose, sensual lips, and firm jaw

, is achingly perfect. I’m staring helplessly, unable to control myself. He is just too devastating.

I hear an intrusive sound, and I reluctantly tear my eyes away from David, turning towards the source. Jan is looking pointedly at me. He clears his throat again.

I frown, confused, unable to get my thoughts in order.

He rolls his eyes. “Welcome to Empathy Zone.” He says to David.

I turn back towards the door, where David is still standing, his eyebrows raised as he looks at me, his expression expectant and faintly amused.

Embarrassment heats my cheeks. “Welcome to Empathy Zone.” I mutter.

He grins lazily and steps into the store, letting the door swing closed behind him. I find myself staring again. He’s wearing a dark suit, with a snowy white shirt and a light blue tie. His face is leaner than I remember, but it works for him, making perfect features stand out even more. No man should look this good, I think, unable to tear my eyes away.

David’s eyes never leave my face as he walks towards me, his gaze like flames licking at my skin, and his steps easy and confident. Jan may well not be in the room at all. He doesn’t stop until he’s standing in front of my desk, so close that I can smell the subtle hint of his familiar masculine cologne.

I clench my hands together to try to stop them from shaking. I can’t get my heart to stop pounding. I’m hot, sweaty, and confused. He’s mesmerizing, and I’m mesmerized

“Hello Sophie.”

His voice flows over me like a caress. His face is so close that if I just reach out, I can trace my fingers over every inch of skin I love so much. My mouth is so dry I can’t even swallow. I want to look at him forever. I want to cry. I don’t know what I want.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Jan looking from me to David, but I ignore him. I can’t tear my eyes away from David’s blue gaze, and I don’t want to. Jan clears his throat again, and David turns to him, releasing me from the singular intensity of his stare.

“I take it you’re not here for the T-shirts.” Jan quips half-jokingly.

David smiles pleasantly. “No, not really.” He says, turning back to me. “Sophie and I are …”

“Old friends.” I say quickly, cutting him off.

One eyebrow goes up in an expression that’s so heart achingly familiar, I have to look away.

“Yes we’re old friends.” David agrees, amusement sounding in his voice. “I’m David Preston.” He says, holding out a hand to Jan. “Sophie’s old friend.”

Jan takes it with a smile. “Jan Rippon.”

The door to Larry and Jan’s office opens and Larry steps out. He’s the total opposite of Jan, short, portly, with none of Jan’s gregariousness. Like Jan, he’s dressed like a college boy, with an Empathy Zone t-shirt, jeans, and trendy sneakers.

“Hello?” He says questioningly, looking from me to Jan to David.

“This is Sophie’s ‘old friend’,” Jan volunteers, “David Preston.”

Larry frowns. “Preston Corp?”

There’s only a short pause before David nods.

“I’ve heard of you.” Larry says, “Good to meet you.” I watch as they too shake hands. Maybe now they can all go inside the back office and bond over video games, I think sourly.