I watch her expressive face, waiting for her to decide. “Okay.” She says finally.

I feel as if I’ve won a major triumph. I realize that I’ve been leaning over her, eagerly waiting for her reply. I straighten. “When do you finish here?” I ask.

Her face creases again in a tiny frown. “At five.” She tells me, still looking hesitant.

“I’ll be here.” I give her a reassuring smile, backing slowly towards the door. Outside, Steve is waiting patiently in the car. He doesn’t ask me why I’m grinning so widely as I climb into the back seat.

Chapter Two

“LET’S FIND A HOTEL.” I SAY to Steve as the car starts to move. Since I’ve committed myself to remaining in Ashford until evening, I might as well find a place to have lunch, and get some work done. It’s not such a big deal. I can work from anywhere, most of the time.

Steve catches my eye in the rearview mirror, then turns to the GPS and begins to search for a hotel.

I have work to do. If I’m going to be fighting a takeover attempt, then I need to be ready. I’m actually excited. This is a challenge, and they don’t come often to me. These days, too many things come too easily.

My mind goes back to Sophie Bennett, and my excitement takes a different dimension. I’m incredibly keen to find out what lies beneath that quiet facade, and to explore the silent promises in her eyes. I take a deep breath.

I can’t wait to see her tonight.

I don’t want to ask myself what the point is. She’s little more than a child. If I left Ashford at this very moment, there would be more than enough women, willing, eager even, to help me forget her.

Except I don’t want to forget.

There can’t be many choices for hotels in Ashford. In a few minutes, Steve is already parked in front of a six-storey building with a sign that says ‘The Ashford Fairview’.

It will do, I decide, picking up my phone from the seat beside me. I’m about to step out of the car when I see the reminder flash on the screen.

Lunch with Carole Banks.

I frown. I had forgotten all about Carole. How could I not, when my mind has been, and still is, on Sophie. I can always call Carole and postpone. Right now, what I have is a driving desire to see Sophie again.

I almost step out of the car before the folly of the decision I’ve just made makes a full impact in my brain.

I’m postponing a meeting that could save my company just so I can see a girl.

An eighteen-year-old girl.

It’s insane.

I frown. “Let’s go back to Seattle, Steve,” I say, a little annoyed with myself. “I have things to do.”


Under Steve’s guidance, the Jaguar eats up the distance, staying just below the speed limit, and we get to the city in less than half an hour.

He drops me off on the sidewalk, in front of the glass revolving doors of the multi-storey edifice that is Preston Corp. These days, I no longer spend a few seconds just standing outside, relishing the knowledge that it’s mine. It just is, and I’m not going to let anyone take it away.

I clear the marble and glass reception area, acknowledging the greetings without pausing. I take the elevator to the penthouse floor, going through the security doors and giving a cursory nod to the receptionist as I walk past her.

My office is at the end of the floor. To get there, I pass by the office where my assistants Linda and Cole are busy at their computers. They both look up when I walk in.

“Good morning Mr. Preston.”

“Good morning Linda, Cole.” I don’t pause in my stride, going directly into my office. Once inside, I ignore the desk and go to stand at the floor to ceiling windows through which I can see the city spread out below me. The office is large, slightly less than a quarter of the entire penthouse floor space, with a bar, seating areas and a very large teleconferencing screen opposite my desk, but it is here, at the windows, that I get most of my work done.

I frown and push images of soft green eyes and wavy gold hair out of my mind. If my suspicions are correct, and Carole has gotten an offer for her shares, my lunch with her will tell me whom I’m going to have to deal with.

I spend a few more minutes at the windows, drawing up, and discarding plans in my head. I’m still there when Linda comes in with a list of all the things I have to attend to.