Page 33 of More Than Anything

I hugged the covers around me. “You knew I was never just g

oing to be the girl hanging on your arm.”

“I never expected you to be.”

He was right. He had turned himself inside out to be with me, yet I was always the one who had something else to do, somewhere else to be.

He stood, naked, and walked toward the adjoining door. “It’s stopped snowing,” he said quietly. “The forecast says there’ll be a thaw by tomorrow. I’ll leave then. You can stay as long as you want.”

This is it. I closed my eyes. Why couldn’t he see my side? If he couldn’t understand and wait for me, how could I be sure what we had was real?

But how long did I expect him to wait?

“Am I expecting too much?” The words came out in a whisper, but he didn’t reply. He had already gone, and all I heard was the sound of the door as it clicked shut behind him.

I heard him leave the next morning. I stayed in bed, unable to watch. I felt like something was breaking inside of me as the purr of his car’s engine faded with distance. I fell back on the bed and covered my face with a pillow.

There was a knock on the door, and a moment later, Colleen walked into the room. She took one look at my tear-stained face and sighed.

“I thought you might like some tea.”

“Thank you.” My voice was shaky. I felt embarrassed that she had witnessed my bawling over Braden.

She waited. “If there’s anything else you need…”

I shook my head. “No, I’m fine.”

She took a step then paused. “This is the longest he’s stayed here in the last three years,” she said softly. “He stayed for you, and I saw him leave, Allie. I could see it wasn’t easy for him to go.”

My body shook. “It was always the wrong timing,” I mumbled. “There’s no hope we can ever make it work.”

“Timing?” The housekeeper chuckled. “When you love someone, timing is nothing. What matters is how happy you are when you’re with them.”

After she left, I sipped the fragrant tea and tried to think. I couldn’t hide forever, and Braden was gone. I had no idea when I would see him again. It could be another year, maybe two, or perhaps in a lawyer’s office, ending our marriage with a few signatures. The thought made my eyes ache with tears. I didn’t want to lose him, but I didn’t see any way to save us.

I closed my eyes. I needed to leave. Being in the house where we’d fallen in love made me remember, made me hope we could be saved. Braden knew that, which was probably why he avoided the place. I needed to leave; maybe then I could clear my head.

I found my phone in one of the drawers in the nightstand and called Meredith.

“Everybody is going crazy over here. I think I might be forced to reveal your location via court order soon. Sean is having a fit wondering what to do about the New Year’s Eve gala appearance. It’s a madhouse out here…”

“I collapsed on the red carpet, for heaven’s sake. They should be more concerned about my welfare.”

“What’s a little fatigue when you’re the hottest property in Hollywood?” Meredith chuckled. “Do you need anything? More clothes? I can keep this up until my ass gets hauled to jail.”

I laughed. “No. I need to go to the hotel in Manhattan. Get my suite ready, and yes…some clothes would be fine.”

“You’re leaving the house?”

I nodded. “Braden left this morning…”

“Wait…” she crowed. “You didn’t tell me Braden was there.” I could hear the smirk in her voice. “I love a lover’s getaway.”

I thought about the night before and blushed. “It wasn’t that at all.” I paused. “Tell Sean I’ll be at the gala. I’ll do that then return to LA.”

“Okay.” She was quiet. “So…Braden…?

“So…nothing.” I sighed. “See you soon.”