eautiful night, and we decided to walk back to my apartment. We strolled silently with Jason’s arm wrapped around me. Sometimes, there was no need for words. I leaned into him, my eyes half closed as he guided me along the sidewalk.

“I’ll move in with you,” I told him just before we reached my place.

He stopped walking. “Are you sure?”

I nodded. “Not right now, but as soon as Amy and Colin have definite plans about their new living arrangement. He wants to get a bigger place…” I trailed off.

“There’s no rush,” Jason agreed. “Whenever you’re ready. I don’t want to rush you again.”

I smiled. The first time he’d tried to rush me, I’d thrown him out of my apartment and my life. It seemed like such a long time ago now. Then I’d been so sure that being alone was the best thing for me. Now, I couldn’t imagine a life without Jason.

Amy and Colin were watching a police procedural on TV when we got to the apartment, and there were two fresh boxes of pizza on the end table.

“Hey guys.” Amy held up a delicious-looking slice. “It’s pizza night.”

“It should always be pizza night!” I declared, abandoning Jason and going over to take a slice.

Colin looked amused. “Sup, Jason? Hi, Daph.” He gestured at the TV. “I’m still taking bets for whodunnit.”

Jason glanced at the TV. “I think I’ve seen this one.” He grinned. “Or maybe I haven’t. What are we betting?”

Colin laughed. “Bragging rights, but no betting for you.”

“How was the party?” Amy asked.

“Nice. Jason wrote me a poem.” I gave her a swoony smile. “And he read it to me.”

“What?” She squealed. “Like…in front of the audience?”

I nodded.

She turned to Jason, mouth wide. “I don’t believe it.”

He shrugged. “That’s because you think you know me, but you don’t.”

“I know you.” She paused. “I want to see your poem.”

“No.” Jason held up one hand and shook his head. “Never and never.”

They bickered until Colin un-paused the show on TV, and we ate pizza while Jason gave outlandish red herring hints about who the villain was.

“Mom and Dad want us to have dinner together sometime soon,” Amy informed Jason when the show ended. “No date yet, but we’re trying to find something that works with everyone’s schedule.”

“I’m flexible,” Jason said. He looked at me.

Something sweet unfurled inside me, not just because of Jason, but because of how I was automatically included in a family event, something I’d never experienced in my adult life. “Yeah, me too.”

Colin got up and kissed Amy. “Early day tomorrow, babe.” She pouted, and he kissed her again. “And I’m flexible too.”

She chuckled and bit her lip. “I know, babe.”

“Okay.” Jason made a face, and Amy laughed. “I gotta go now.” He looked at me. “Tomorrow?”

I nodded.

After they’d both gone, Amy and I got rid of the remains of our food and drinks.

“I’m still trying to get used to seeing a ring on your finger,” I told her. “It jumps right out at me when I least expect it, and it’s so beautiful.”