“Of course.” I glanced at my watch. “Give me a minute.”

I went to get my purse then we walked together to a little bistro not far from my office. Helen talked a bit about Amy and Colin’s wedding plans as we strolled, but once we were seated, her face turned serious.

“I came to town to see Jason,” she told me.

r /> “Did you…did you see him?”

She nodded.

“Lucky you.” I couldn’t keep the bitterness from my voice.

She sighed. “He wouldn’t tell me much,” she said sadly. “This thing…it’s eating at him and he’s isolating himself, even from his family. It breaks my heart.”

I closed my eyes. Mine was already shattered.

“He doesn’t want to get tested,” she said. “I understand why. Many people would rather not know, but Jason is not like that. Maybe he thinks not knowing is better for him, but it’s not. He needs to know, to plan, to be in control. He’s tearing himself apart, and he’s too stubborn to see it.”

“I know.” I gave her a sad smile. Our food had arrived, and I pushed at the crisp leaves of my salad with my fork. The last thing on my mind was food. “He’s made up his mind.”

“You can change it,” she urged, concern shining in her eyes. “Don’t give up on him.”

“How…?” I swallowed. He’d shut me out completely. I had no access to him, and the knowledge that he thought he was doing it for my own good was poor consolation for the pain of being pushed out of his life.

She looked from my face to my plate. “Eat, Daphne. You look like you need it.”

Her motherly concern gave me a bittersweet ache, but I did as she asked, finishing my salad. She got the check, waving me off when I tried to pay.

“There’s something else,” she said. “Sarah…his mother.” She closed her eyes as if the words hurt her to say. “She’s here. After her suicide attempt, he brought her to a facility upstate.”

“How is she?”

“He didn’t say. He didn’t tell me where exactly she is, but I know he’s been to see her a few times.”

Maybe she could convince him to get tested. As the thought occurred to me, I started wondering how I could get to her.

“I could talk to her,” I said, thinking out loud

“I was thinking about it, but…” Helen shook her head, choosing not to say whatever was on her mind. She got up and patted my hand. “Remember what I said—don’t give up on him.”

I imagined Jason, alone with everything he must be feeling. “I won’t.”

She took a cab from the bistro, and after I waved goodbye to her, I called the one person I knew could help me.

Leonard answered on the first ring.

“Hello, Miss.” His voice was warm.

“I need your help,” I said without preamble.

There was a short pause. “Anything.”

I sighed. “Where is Sarah Wild? I know she’s in a facility in the state.”

I thought I would need to convince him, but he gave me a name, phone number, and address without hesitation. “It’s about an hour away, but you have to call ahead.”

“Thank you, Leonard,” I said gratefully. “Thank you.”

“Is that all?”