He placed his glass on the floor next to mine and eased me down to my back, covering my body with his. He started to kiss me again, but then his phone rang, interrupting us.

He groaned and pulled the offending device from his pocket.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

I shook my head. “No biggie. We have all day, and all night.”

His eyes flared. He placed a kiss on my bare belly then got up and accepted the call, walking off toward the water as he spoke into the phone. I lay admiring his body for a moment before rolling off the swing. I took my glass of sangria and went into the house, imagining all the time Jason and I would spend there. I imagined inviting guests over to share idyllic weekends of sea and sand.

In the bedroom, I pulled off my robe and replaced it with a light sundress. I wanted to go for a walk while Jason was on the phone. If it was a work call, it could last for a while. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and decided against sandals. Going barefoot on the sand did wonders for my feet.

I started to leave the room then stopped to grab a sweater. I had one among my things, but I wanted to wear one of Jason’s instead. Apart from the size and coziness, they smelled of him, which was a bonus for my senses.

He’d put some of his things in a drawer in the dresser, and I opened it and found what I was looking for. I pulled out the blue-gray sweater, and just under it was a tiny black box.

I froze for a moment, my heart pounding like a waterfall as blood rushed through my veins, dizzying me. I reached for the box, hands shaking.

Don’t open it, a voice warned in my head, but I ignored it.

I flipped the top open and tears filled my eyes.

Inside was a beautiful ring, a square-cut diamond surrounded by a cluster of smaller stones set into a filigreed platinum base. It was a modern design, but it looked incredibly classic and beautiful…the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen.

I heard Jason’s footsteps and quickly p

laced the ring and the sweater back in the drawer, pushing it closed just as he came into the room.

I frowned, surprised at the shuttered expression on his face.

“I have to leave,” he said.

I took a step toward him, mentally shelving the ring for the moment. “Is everything okay?”

He nodded. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve called for a car to take me to the local airport. Leonard is on his way to pick you up and take you home.”

Just like that, our weekend was over. I stared at him, sure—almost with a sixth sense—that there was more he was keeping from me. He walked past me and started to gather his things.

Still reeling and puzzled, I did the same.

Chapter Seven

I didn’t hear anything from Jason the next day, or the next. I had no idea where he’d gone, and my best efforts to get any information out of Leonard during the long drive back home had been met with silence.

I called and I left messages, but he never responded. Monday came, and I went to work. I tried to focus even as half of my senses remained trained on my phone, waiting to hear from Jason.

By the third day, I was going crazy.

Amy called.

“Hey, roomie.” I could hear the bliss in her voice.

“How are you?”

“Great!” She laughed. “I love it here. Colin’s parents are so sweet, and their house! It’s lovely. There’s a big, beautiful garden, and it’s on a hill so you can see this small town all spread out not far away, and there’s a castle nearby.” She sighed. “It’s just lovely.”

“It sounds beautiful.”

“It is.” She paused. “How was the beach?”