We watched them go, and when they were out of sight, Jason turned to me, a look of concern on his handsome face. “You think she’s okay?”

“Yeah,” I replied. I knew exactly why Amy had been teary, but I couldn’t tell him. “I’ll miss her.”

“You’ve got me,” he said, giving me a cute grin as we started to walk to where the car was waiting. “And I have plans for you.”

“Oh, do tell me about them.”

“I will,” he said mysteriously.

Our things were already in the car, packed for a short trip. Once we were settled in, Leonard started the long drive to the beach house.

“Don’t worry about Amy,” I told Jason. “She’s happy.”

He was quiet. “How about you?”

“Am I happy?”

He nodded, his eyes searching mine, dark with an emotion that looked like uncertainty.

“Jason,” I whispered. “I’ve never been happier in my life.”

He cradled me in his arms, and as the car sped through the city and out onto the highway, I fell asleep in his arms.

I loved the sound the waves made when they rolled into the beach. It soothed me. I breathed in the scent of the sea on the breeze as the porch swing swayed with my weight. I was wearing a thin robe as it wasn’t cold enough to require much else, but there was enough of a breeze that I had to keep rubbing my feet together to keep them warm.

Jason appeared at the door, and I craned my neck so I could follow him with my eyes as he came to join me. He was wearing sweatpants only, and they were low enough on his hips that I could stare at his exquisite abs and the hard muscles that tapered down toward his hips.

His hair was mussed—by my fingers—but he somehow managed to look many kinds of edible. He was carrying two tall glasses with pieces of fruit floating in the chilled drinks inside.

“Sangria?” He raised a wicked brow at me.

I grinned. “Yes, please.”

He handed me a glass and sat at the edge of the swing.

I took a sip and sighed. “This is good.”

His fingers moved idly over my back. “I have many skills.”

“Believe me, I know.”

He laughed, and his fingers drifted to my lower back. I closed my eyes.

“I’m really beginning to love this place,” I said quietly.

“Really?” He looked at me. “How much?”

I shrugged. “Very much.”

“That’s good,” he said. “Because I just bought it.”

My eyes widened. “You did what?”

“It seems like an essential part of our history, don’t you think?” He grinned at me. “I want us to be able to come here whenever we want.”

I placed my glass on the floor then rose to my knees. I cupped his face in my hands and covered his lips with mine. His mouth was cool and tasted of sangria. I stroked his tongue with mine, heat and desire spreading through me. His hand tightened at my back.

“I love you,” I whispered when I stopped to breathe.