“Okay,” I reply, giving him a tight smile. “Though I think Disney junior has bigger dressing rooms and more snacks.”

He looks taken aback, then he chuckles. “I’m sure they do,” he agrees, stepping away from the door and holding it open for me.

I take one step, then turn back to face him. Reminding him of how he’d insulted me should have made him apologetic, not amused. I’m not a freaking comedian. “Aren’t you going to apologize?”

“For what?” His amusement is still there. “Was I supposed to be excited about auditioning you?”

I almost stamp my foot. “You didn’t have to be rude about it.”

“I wasn’t rude. You were eavesdropping.”

“I wasn’t eavesdropping.”

His eyes drift over my face and rest on my lips again. My heart kicks. When his eyes lift to mine there’s something impatient in their depths.

“Look. This argument has no purpose. You got the part. I don’t see that I have anything to apologize for, and I can’t hold this door forever.”

I brace my hand on the door and glare at him. “I can hold my own fucking door.”

He raises an eyebrow, then shrugs and releases the door. “Nice talk, Liz,” he says, before striding into the auditorium. I hear him talking to the technical crew on the stage and from the tone of his voice, it’s clear that he has already forgotten all about me.

God, I hate him!

With every inch of my heart.

Chapter Six


Arguing with an inexperienced actress while wondering what her lips taste like. Check.

Feeling my dick harden every time I hear her fucking voice. Check.

I don’t need anyone to tell me the whole situation is a recipe for disaster.

After only a few days of working with her, my awareness of her has skyrocketed to a point where I’m constantly looking at her, watching for her, listening for the sound of her voice.

It has got to stop.

Now rehearsing with Kyle, she’s in the middle of the stage, dressed in black tights and a burgundy sweater, paired with ballet flats. I watch them go through the scene, and when it ends, I type a quick note on my tablet.

Her laughter stills my fingers. My eyes jerk to the stage. Kyle is saying something to her, and her entire body is shaking with amusement.

How can she have such a deep throaty laugh that chases everything from my mind except lingering kisses and drawn-out pleasure?

Her gaze sweeps toward me and she catches me staring. With a disdainful scowl, she turns back to Kyle.

It’s like the very sight of my face annoys her.

Obviously, she’s still hung up on the Disney junior remark and my refusal to apologize.

Well, good for her. She’ll hear a lot worse and have to grow a strong spine if she plans to last long in this industry.

She laughs again, and my eyes go back to the stage. What the fuck is so funny?

“Kyle!” The name comes out like a growl, and Kyle turns a startled glance toward me.

Fuck! I am jealous.