I hear a sound from the living room, and I almost scream, but then Evans reaches for his gun, whipping it out and pointing in the direction of the sliding doors. The curtains are billowing and I’m too far away to see inside, but somehow, I know it’s Landon in the apartment.

“Rachel?” I hear his voice, and even though it’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard in my life, I’m still paralyzed by fear. Evans has the gun pointed at the door, and I know he won’t hesitate to shoot.”

“He has a gun!” I scream desperately. “He has a gun.”

Evans ignores me, keeping the gun pointed at the curtains. A moment later, they part, and Landon is standing there. He looks at me, taking in my bound hands and feet. I see his jaw tighten as his eyes go to Evans.

“What do you want?” he asks.

“What do you think?”

Landon looks at me again then turns back to Evans. “You’re not going to get it.”

Evans smiles. “I think I already have.”

“Really?” Landon sounds so calm, but I can see the vein in his jaw, working furiously. “You’re a wanted man. You’re going to jail. You won’t get your hotel back, and you won’t get away with whatever you plan to do here.”

Evans is listening quietly. “You have no idea how much I hate you, how much I’ve hated you, all these years. I loved her, and she chose you, over and over again. Ava was perfect, and you ruined her. You made her give you all the time, the attention she should have given me.”

Landon looks confused. “Your sister…”

“Yes…!” Evans screams. “I loved her, and you took her from me, and then you stole my hotel.” He calms, very suddenly. “Maybe I won’t get my hotel back, but then, maybe I don’t want it anymore. Maybe I won’t even get out of here, or get away with this…” he waves the gun around. “But I’m going to hurt you Landon Court. And you’re never going to forget about me.”

I still don’t know exactly what happened next. All I remember is watching as Evans’ gun arm started to turn toward me as if in slow motion. Then Landon, moving through the air like a projectile, launching himself at Evans. The huge roar as the gun went off, and my scream as they both started to go over the balustrade, then the thud as I hit the floor and everything went black.

THE apartment has never felt so empty and silent. Everything has been professionally cleaned, the blood on the floor in the foyer, which, along with my scattered purse had first alerted Landon that something was wrong. The blood on the balcony is gone too, as well as the horror on the sidewalk.

I walk through the rooms, the silence bringing tears to my eyes.


In his study, everything is off; the computers, the phone, no blinking lights to indicate that he’s just taken a break and will soon be back to work.

On the desk, the picture I gave him still has pride of place beside the computer screen. I look at my face, my attempt at a sultry expression, my body under the sheet… I’d been so happy then. And now…

Suddenly all the events of the evening of Evans attack rush into my head, and my eyes swell. I collapse on Landon’s chair, surrounded by the smooth leather as sobs wrack my body.

Oh, Landon!

I’m still crying when I hear a noise at the open door. I look up to see Joe is standing at the doorway.

“Miss Foster?” He hasn’t left the apartment since we returned from the hospital.

“Yes.” I paste a smile on my face. “Yes?”

“The nurse. He’s leaving.”

I nod and get up. In the hall, Gerry, the short but muscular private nurse is waiting.

“Is he awake?” I ask.

Gerry shakes his head. “I changed the dressing on the wound and gave him something for the pain, so he’ll be out all night. By tomorrow, I think he’ll be able to get up and walk around.”

I smile at him, watching as Joe leads him to the foyer. Just then, my phone rings.

“Hey,” a soft voice says. It’s Laurie. We’ve talked every day since the night of the attack, when she called while I was in the hospital, still in shock, and Landon was getting stitched up for the bullet that tore through his shoulder.

“Hey, Laurie,” I reply softly. “How’s it going?”