She sighs. “He’s driving me crazy, but I’ll tell you another time. I’m trying not to dwell on my feelings.”

I nod, totally getting it. “I have news too. I’m also leaving Gilt Travel.”

She looks dismayed. “No!”

“Yes.” My smile widens. “I’m moving to Review.”

Chelsea squeals and comes around the desk to hug me. “I hate you so much right now, but I’m so happy for you. Does that make sense?”

“It does.”

She makes a sad face. “My workload is going to fucking skyrocket. I fucking hate you. How am I going to finish my book?”

I stick out my tongue. “I’ll read and edit for you anytime you’re ready. I’m an assistant editor at The Gilt Review now. It’s obvious that I know literature.”

After she leaves, I reach for my phone, eager to call Landon and tell him my news. I’m almost deliriously happy. I have my dream job, the man I love… It’s as if everything I’ve ever wanted has finally come to me.

The thought comes with a little sliver of fear, especially when my mind goes back to last night. How long can I expect things to stay perfect? How long until something comes along to ruin it?

I shake the fear away and make the call to Landon. He answers on the first ring, almost as if he’d been waiting for me.

“Rachel.” His voice is deep, warm, and sexy.

“Hi,” I breathe.

“What’s going on?”

I sigh, so lost in his voice that I have to try to remember why I called in the first place. “… I got the job.”

“I knew you would.” He sounds very confident.


“Yes, because they have to know how lucky they’d be to have you.”

“Aww.” His faith in me is so gratifying. I spend the next few minutes telling him about the meeting with Jessica, leaving out the part where we talked about him.

“It sounds like she didn’t want to lose you.”

“Oh well.” I shrug.

“So,” he pauses. “Did you ever solve the mystery of how you got the interview?”

“Oh… I’m not quite sure, but…” I tell him about the dinner with Gertrude Weyland, and Jack’s belief that she had something to do with it.

Landon is quiet, and for a moment, I wonder if he’s thinking of the part about me going with Jack to visit his mother, or having lunch with him.

“Are you sure you want to work with her?” he says finally. He sounds more concerned than jealous.

“I don’t mind,” I reply. “She seemed interesting.”

“You could try to confirm if she had anything to do with it. Find out what she wants, and if you don’t like it, you can always take me up on my offer and come work for me.”

“Nice try.” I smile. “What exactly would I do at Swanson Court International?”

“Anything you want. You could be my boss if you like. You already are, in a way.”

“If I were your boss, you wouldn’t be on the phone with your girlfriend.”